Chapter 3

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(Mike's POV)

She was gone.....she was gone.......
My heart beating faster and faster in every second passing by , dreading rising from my stomach like bile .
She left me. She left.
My girlfriend left me on our anniversary and she didn't even want to see me..... what  should I now?
I took a deep breath and try to clam myself. she just need some time to think. She would be come back. She had to. I leaned back on chair to relax myself but I can't what if she never came back what I'm gonna do then??

I get up From chair and move to parking area hoping she was there please god let me have that chance to explain myself.....but what's left to explain. "you wanted this don't you?"  No.No.No. This thought are killing me I don't what I'm gonna say to her but my feet just moving to parking and my heart keep hoping she was there..... please god.

( Kiara was about to sit in her car but mike pull her and hug her from back)

Mike: Kiara please!

I growled, finally grabbing her by her waist and holding her carefully. She heaved and shook out of anger.

Mike: I know I fucked up! I'm sorry ,okay? Nothing I can say or do that will take back what happened...... just let me explain please.

She grunted, Ripping her waist out of my grip.

Kiara: You cheated on me. You broke my trust with a fucking investor's daughter.
Mike: No..... I love you. Kiara. I always love you and want to be with you forever.
Kiara: Then why.....(she whimper)

Her voice calm a bit while she trying to blink back her tears. She never let others to saw her broken side and seeing her like this crushing me down.

Kiara: why would you cheat?
Mike: I don't know Baby......
Kiara: Don't fucking call me Baby, Mike Moore. You fucked up. No Actually you fucked up really bad that I can't even look at you right now!
Mike: well you have to look at me, I'm your boyfriend and I'm here trying to tell you about how bad I fucked up because of that condition and how sorry I am. I'm not letting you give up on us.
Kiara: Mike, I would never give up on us, I think you're my forever..... I just don't know why you do that. Are you.......sick of me or something?
Mike: No, what? Why would you even think that way. You're the prettiest girl I ever seen in my life.
Kiara: Maybe I'm prettier but...... I don't good enough for you........Fuck I'm so stupid.

Oh God! This getting so messed up why she's thinking that way.....well isn't clear because I make her that broken...... I fucking hate myself.....
Mike: stop that, I didn't plan this.... it's just..... happened.
Kiara: It's just happened? ( She scoffs) you mean you tripped because of alcohol and you dick fell into her pussy?
Mike: Kiara please! I never thought that I would ever...... I only have you in my life and I love you so much.
Kiara: But you didn't think about me when you sleeping with her and shamelessly hide that from me like and behave like you never cheated on me.
Mike: I thought about you that how much I was betraying you and how much this could hurt you...... I never wanted that, Kiara.
Kiara: then why would you do it? I always thought we had the most open, honest realtionship of anyone I've ever known. But now, you're making me question whether I really know you at all.

My heart felt like it was being stabbed with a knife. Jesus, this hurts so bad. Why the fuck did I do this to her? Maybe she should just leave me......

Mike: Kiara, don't say that, you know me. It's just this was such a........fucked up situation. It just came out of nowhere and turned my whole world upside down.

She didn't say anything just staring at me and I don't know what's going on in her mind. All I know is right now her eyes are red and they felt like she's too tired.

Kiara: Just tell me do you love her?
Mike: Excuse me?
Kiara: I asked you Do you love her?
Mike: Where is that coming from?
Mike: No.

I don't know what she's thinking and where is this conversation going but one thing I know that I'm losing my shit that scaring hell out of me..... Why I do that???

Kiara: Do you find her attractive, smart, and pretty?....and please tell me the truth I'm done with those lies of yours.

I don't know how should I answer that question but one thing is for sure I'm not gonna lie to her anymore.

Mike: I don't know.
Kiara: (scoffs)  what's that supposed to mean Mike?
Mike: just like I said I don't know.
Kiara: so you're trying to tell me you don't know how to answer that question of mine.
Mike:  No, what I mean is I don't know if I find her attractive or please stop asking me those questions.
Kiara: I can't, sorry because I want to know how you feel about her.
Mike: Does that matter?
Kiara: Excuse me.... she's pregnant mike how it's doesn't matter. So for god sake please answer my question, do you find her attractive.
Mike: What do you want me to say.......yes I find her attractive but that doesn't mean that I'll fuck her for that.
Kiara: okay.

Wait! WTH did I just say ohh god this stupid mouth of my doesn't know where to shut. Fuck I make it more worst then before now she doesn't even looking at me . She keep staring at stone that siting besides her foot . please look at me and say something don't go all silent on me.

Mike: I'm sorry that's not what meant I was just........ sorry.
Kiara: hmmmm......

Writer's note:
I hope you liked the chapter and please let me know what do you think Kiara should do now. And do you think Mike deserve forgiveness? Please support me , love you guys ❤️

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