Chapter 16

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(Harvey's POV)

I watched and amused, as she took a deep breath and relaxed it in one long, controlled exhale.
"I don't understand, what do you want from me", Kiara said, in her calm voice.
"You're clearly look unhappy and I guess it's because of the flowers but I don't get it why are so pissed these are just flowers."

"What if I say I don't like the fact that some bastard send you flowers?" Her fingers curled into a losse fist." What??"
"Or I say I want you only for myself?"
"No, you don't".

"Why you think that I don't want you?" I stood close enough to see the pulse fluttering in her neck. And suddenly the urge to find out how much faster would it beat if I wrapped her hair around my fist and pulled her head back? Or if I kissed her until her mouth bruised and she run out of air or if I hiked up her dress until she begged me to fuck her?

Heat ran to my groin.

But I wasn't here to fuck her, but she was so prim and proper she begged for corruption.
The silence was deafening as I lifted my hand and grazed my thumb over her bottom lip. Kiara's breathing shallowed, but she didn't move away.

She stared at me, eyes full of confusion as I took my time exploring the lush curve of her mouth. It was full, soft, and disturbingly tempting compared to the stiff formality of her appearance.

 It was full, soft, and disturbingly tempting compared to the stiff formality of her appearance

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"You're beautiful and smart then why not?" I said still admiring those tempting lips." I think you're a perfect match for me."
"I seriously don't believe in that". Her breath drifted over my skin. "I think you just felt insecure and protective for your sister but trust me I don't have any interest in being a homewrecker. So relax."

The reminder of her killed the sensuality of the moment as quickly as it came.
My thumb paused on the centre of her bottom lip before I dropped my hand with a silent curse. My skin tingled with heat from the memory of her softness.

"I don't give a fuck about them". My smile cut across my face, cruel and devoid of humor as I regathered my composure. "she's not my sister and me being in this project have nothing to do with that, it's just business and the reason to be with you, it's....." I shrugged. "It's just find you quite attractive that's all".

She doesn't know about my family, and it's better for her. They don't deserve that much attention from anyone . They definitely uncovered my few weak spots but not not this time.

Kiara's eyes glare me with confusion." You're strange".
"Yes I am. And I'm sure you're gonna fall for me, little gazelle, now if you'll excuse me...." I straightened myself." I have to go finish my work so I can able take this stupid promotion vacation."

I brushed past her and throw those flowers into dustbin in my way back to my car.


Two days later.....

That’s all it took for me to pack up For vacation. End-date undetermined, this work trip is sort of open-ended, but based
on my conversation with Robert and his secretary, or whoever that
person—Yari Estevez—is to him, the job will last as long as I need it to.
Normally, such spontaneity and lack of concrete scheduling would
irritate the hell out of me. But this job is just too enticing to pass up.
I think it’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for… Since I saw her at that night .

After signing  that , I was given more specific
details about what exactly I’m being hired to do, and what will be required of me. Shooting ad is tiring but When I heard the name of the company, I almost gasped.
Kiara Adam, I haven’t seen anyone
like her in quite some time, which also happens to make her the most
fascinating to me.

Now I'm on my way to a remote island off the coast of Long Island, New York, to just impress her. 
An emotion I haven’t felt in so long it almost startles me, weaves its
way around my stomach. I think it’s jittery excitement, and I remind myself
to remain professional as the ferry coasts through the ocean.
I’m seated alone on the large passenger transport boat. The only other
person around is Louis who picked me up at LaGuardia Airport. I’m not
even sure what he's thinking… He hasn’t spoken a word to me.
I’m fine with the no chit-chat. As we know, it’s my least favorite thing.

But also, I’m more consumed by my own thoughts right now, and I need
to sort and file them, to ensure that when I arrive and finally meet her again face-to-face , I’m my typical, immensely professional self. The eagerness I have inside me to do this job needs to be stowed.

The work is too important to be blundered by my own inner zeal, which honestly feels
more juvenile than what I’m used to.
I’m not surprised, though. For more than half my life, I’ve been wanting to do exactly what I’ll be doing on this strange island… and this time I'll definitely succeed.

Scrolling through emails on my phone, my mind wanders back to my conversation with Kiara the other day. Our last meeting,  she definitely find me odd when I admit I'm interested in her.

"You're strange....."

I know that But that’s all about to change. When she finds out why I'm like this, I just want to end all my intrusive thoughts now, Because outside the window, I see an island on the horizon. And on this island, a new journey awaits.

Roughly twenty-minutes later, the ferry comes to a stop, and I’m instructed back into the black SUV, which was parked on the deck below. I hadn’t noticed that it was raining, but once inside the car and driving, the windshield wipers swish back and forth rapidly. The drive only lasts about
three minutes before we’re pulling right up to what looks like a perfect luxurious resort.

Louis hops out without a word—naturally—and rounds the vehicle to open my door for me. He’s holding an umbrella to shield me from the rain," I'm not going to repeat myself again and again but please don't be an asshole to her". Louis nodded in greeting at other production member who's waiting for us, and waited until they were out of earshot before adding. "It's not her fault if she ended up stuck with an asshole like you."

Ohh god not again....

"Worry less about my personal life and more about yours". I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why William always listens your orders?"
"Fuck off, Harvey. That's none of your business."


Writer's note:
Please let me know what you think about this chapter and please support my work ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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