chapter 1

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(Writer's point of view)

Kiara is so bossy and controlling when it comes to relationship and her's best quality is being straight forward well that's what she believes but not others .Her coworkers and friends don't like her that much because of her attitude and being too straight forward but they respect her and her dsomehow our girl having a good dating life with her University senior well that's not a big loving story it's more like 'friends with benefits with little emotions include' if you ask me......

But today is very special for Kiara because today they are going to celebrate their 2nd year anniversary...... she's done with her get ready with me reel and she's looking really stunning if you ask me black string dress with red lips that screaming bold and confidence clearly..... trust me if I'm into girls she is the one I would go for.

Well let's get back to the story

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Well let's get back to the story..........
Kiara put some perfume on her wrist and take her car key and house key and walk towards to front gate while chatting with his boyfriend......
Kiara : where you are you didn't call me back I hope you didn't forget about our date today..... Baby ❤️

Love : sorry I was busy with work in the office don't worry I'll be on time and like I said before I have something really important to tell you....

Kiara : you really making me so curious it's been a you keep saying that you have something to tell me but never tells me I'm really hoping today is day when you're gonna tell me...... right Baby?

Love : hmm........ let's meet first

Kiara : ok Baby

Kiara parked her car and head to the entrance of restaurant . classic furniture with expensive atmosphere like seriously that one of the morning most expensive restaurant of the city and best place to have special and romantic dates like this one.....well we all gonna find out later about that how much romantic it's going to be.
When she enters into the restaurant waiter come to her and ask ....

Waiter : Welcome to , my name is Jake how can I help you?

Kiara : I have a private table dinner reservation for two at 7:30

Waiter : ohh let me check..... sorry ma'am your table isn't available right now.

Kiara : excuse me but I make reservation how can you just give my table to another that's so unprofessional of you .

Waiter : we are really sorry ma'am but there's a meeting going on and customer strictly told as don't disturb them during the meeting I really hop you understand our situation you can choose any one table but we can't allow you private table .

Kiara : Aghhhh! Seriously , ok can I get table closed to window .

Waiter : ofcourse ma'am. Again we sorry for you're inconvenience. Please come to this way.

Kiara : ok

Kiara's mood already ruined by that never ending stupid meeting because of that she have to lose her private room date chance with mike.... Yeah that's her boyfriend name
He really handsome and successful man if you ask me but that success makes him little arrogant and TBH that's why these two always end up fighting with each other .

Kiara asked waiter for water and wait for mike to come so she can tell whole story of how her beautiful plan flop as soon as she enters into the restaurant because of.....yeah that damn never ending meeting.

It's been an hour but there's no sign of mike no call , not a single message from him that's making so reckless and worried she keep messaging him and hoping that he will fine.....right?

Kiara : where are you Baby?

Kiara : I'm waiting for you it's been an hour how long I have wait.....

Kiara : if you're pranking me stop it you're making me worried 😫 common show up man.

Kiara : I'm gonna leave mike if don't show up ......

Kiara : Mike atleast pick up the god damn call......

Kiara : MIKE..........

What do you think Mike's gonna come or not and why he's late is it because of that important thing that he want to tell her tonight??? For the answer you hav wait for next chapter......... I hope you like the chapter if do you please le me know and support me ❤️

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