document 1 who was Anne Frank

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Anne Frank was a Jewish/German girl she was born in 1929. She lived during the Second World War and had to witness the horrors of the hologhcoust. Her famous diary had made her existence worldwide. She moved to the Netherlands in 1940 to evade Nazi concentration camps, but the Nazi army as powerful as it is at the time invaded and took the Netherlands. To evade Nazi police, her family found a secret room in her father's office.
Did you know
Anne Frank named her diary Kitty?

The fame of Anne Frank was not known until after the war, the reason being her father was the only survivor out of the Frank family. All of the Jewish people were singled out by having to wear a yellow star that had the word 'jude' on it. It was the German word for jew.
This brings document one to an end.

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