document 2 the hologhcoust

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The hologhcoust or the jew massacre was one of the greatest horrors of the Second World War. After the 91+ deaths of the overnight tragedy of krystallnact, Hitler blamed most of Germany's problems on the Jewish people. Then there were restrictions, first pools,then theatres, it got so bad they could barely leave their house. Most Jewish people were either sent to concentration camps or death camps, the death or extermination camps were killing all who were deed unworthy of nazi citizenship, these included: black,disabled,Jewish,anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes, the list goes on and on. An estimated 6 million Jewish people died from the hologhcoust. The concentration camps were a form of torture. they had to work hard, and they had very poor conditions and no connections to the outside world. Some people were chosen to die even inside concentration camps, and they were taken to a different shower cubicle, but it was filled with poison, leading the unlucky people to their death.
Anne Frank was found after someone told the Nazi police about their hiding spot. She was transported to bergin-belsin, then for once in her life she loved her mother.
This brings document two to an end.

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