chapter nine

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She looks so peaceful when she is sleeping if only both our lives were this peaceful then I guess everything was going to be good. Her coming back into my life made everything resurface.  I feel like I am stuck in a situation where I am forced to be in. I am also angry at the fact that she's back with a huge responsibility or rather responsibilities that I never thought I was ready for.

I remember when I got an email from her informing me about out break up and the reason why she stole from me. Deep down inside of me I was indenial  at first because of the love I had for her but as time went by I started to resent her for hurting me so blindly, for making me feel like a fool even when my brother told me to be careful as he did not trust her. At some point I even thought of vergence against her.

I don't know why I brought her here at my parents house because I know how much my mother despite her. Probably it's because I care too much and i feel for her daughter who I've only know a couple hour's ago. She's very young to be punished for her mother's sins. If it was up to me I would have left them to find a way where to stay but the gentlemanness in me thought otherwise cause that's not how my dad raised me .

The people that live here are both my parents and my two younger siblings, Mpendulo and Zanokuhle whom are twins and both in matric.
Knowing my mother very well she is not going to be pleased about this when she finds out that Onkarabile is under her roof without her request.
I looked on the nightstand the clock shows that it's 06h30 am meaning that everyone is awake and ready to start the day. As much as I want to wake her up so she can get Aquila ready for school I decide against it letting them both sleep in as they are probably tired. I stare at her for a moment before heading out of her room

I walk downstairs to the dining room and I find everyone sorted waiting for breakfast to be served.

"Sanibonani" I greet.

"Morning/ Morning bhuti/ Morning Ndoda"

I take a seat next to Mpendulo my bother who is preoccupied on his phone.  I can feel the nerves as I could sense the deadly stare of my mother's eyes. I know she knows that I know that's she knows of what's going on already. This woman is like camera. She know everything before you could say anything 

"Hawu Ndoda wena did you arrive?"asks my father

"Last night baba" I say. I don't know why I'm feeling so nervous right now.

"Khuluma Zithulule I can see that you have something to say" Yohh. This wife of my father. Couldn't she atleast wait for me to settle down first.

"I .... eish.... Mama ...uhm" I stutter

"Since when do you stutter Zithulele? Mthembu" Full government name? I guess she fuming and running out of patience.

Just as I was about to talk out house keeper Mam' Mary walks in accompanied by the junior staff bringing in the food. The aroma smells so good. I know very well that the family chef prepared it. I can't wait to dig in cause I'm really hungry . My mother dismisses them after placing everything on the table and we dish up for ourselves while she dishes up for herself and my dad.

My mother says a short prayer for the food before we dig in.

"So ?" Nkosi khanti didn't she forget?

"Hawu MaDlamini can't we eat in peace before you can interrogate the boy"

"No I can't " she says full on blast.

"Khuluma ZITHULELE " ( Talk Zithulule)

"Ahh..." Since when do I stutter, ohh yeah since this woman in front of me has an angry face and is on the Nomarashiya devil mode on"

"Mama uOnkarabile ukhona la ekhaya"(Mom Onkarabile is here inside the house) I mumble lowly hoping she heard me so I don't get to repeat myself.

"Uthini?"( what did you say)

  "Ngithi uOnkarabile ukhona la ekhaya"( I said the Onkarabile is inside the house)

"Khaya la ka bani"( whose house)haibo an than? This mother of mine

" in your house mama"

She chuckles. " Jehova Nkulunkulu lomntana uyanglinga smagade" ( ...Lord/ God this child is definitely testing me)

" you brought the devil in my house ,seriously Zithulule? After everything she did to you? To this family?"

"No mama it's like that, her house had a burst pipe and I couldn't leave her and her daughter in the streets especially since she's pregnant and ..."

She interrupts me .."Who's fault is it? For all we know she could have planned the burst pipe and nawe you are not sure if those babies she's carrying are your noma kanjani"

" I know that kodwa...."  " Kodowa ini? But what Zithulule? Why are you reasoning.  You cannot reason with me right now" You see what I'm talking about.  She interrupts me again. My siblings are both quite along side my father as they know that when our mother is on beastmode no one and I mean no one says anything unless you want to end up on her bad side.

" I don't want to hear anything you say. I want her our of my house "


" MaDlamini..."

"Yey ngithi I want her out " she says or rather shouts as she walks to the kitchen.

"Yohh so much drama in the morning " Zanokuhle says as she takes a bit of the sausage.

I sigh loudly...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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