1. Good Girls Don't

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Dave's Point of View

"Dave come on. Just come with me please," Taylor said as I grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"T why do you want to come to the bar with you so bad? I'm not really in the mood to hit the bar tonight," I responded with as I sat back down on the couch.

"Honestly?" Taylor asked.

"Of course," I said back.

"Abby and I are taking her friend out to cheer her up. She's just getting over a break up and needs a night out. Abby wanted me to ask you to come so she won't feel like a third wheel," Taylor replied. I took a swig of my beer and just looked at him.

"How long ago was this break up exactly?" I asked.

"A month or so. I think he left her for someone else," Taylor replied.

"That's terrible. What does she look like?" I asked in response. Not that it really mattered but I'm sure she knew what I looked like so it would only be fair.

"I'll get Abby to send a pic. From what I remember she's kinda cute," Taylor said.

He pulled out his phone and texted Abby. I hadn't met Taylor's new girlfriend yet so maybe I should go. I just haven't been feeling like going out much since Jordyn and I decided to end things. Things just seemed to fizzle out and we both agreed, after a couple months of couples counselling, that we should just part ways. I looked over at Taylor as his phone went off. He turned it around and there was a picture of a smiling girl. She had brown hair, blue eyes and looked about half my age. I stared at the picture until the screen went black and decided why the hell not.

"Ya ok fine I'll come but don't try to set us up," I said as I finished my beer and stood up.

"Alright. Hurry up though. Abby just texted me and said they're leaving soon," Taylor shouted at me as I headed upstairs to change for the night.

Britt's Point of View

"I really don't want to go," I said as I finished brushing my hair. I was not in the mood to go out but my best friend was making me. She wanted me to meet her Taylor new boyfriend but I didn't want to be a third wheel.

"I don't care you're coming with me. You need to get out and stop sitting around here crying and being a bump on a log. Ok so I found a skirt for you wear with that tank top," Abby said back as she came into view. I was wearing just a normal black tank top and she was holding a long blue printed skirt. I took it from her and put it on before looking in the mirror. I looked good but I still didn't feel like going out.

"I don't mind sitting home though. I prefer it. Plus I'm going to sit there alone tweedling my thumbs all night while you and Taylor make out and be the cutest couple ever," I said as we walked out to the living room. I put on a pair of brown boots and then walked to the kitchen and finished my coffee.

"Taylor is bringing a friend so you won't be completely alone. Here smile," Abby said. I smiled and she took a picture and then started typing.

"Who did you send that to?" I asked as I put my phone in my purse and took my keys out.

"Taylor asked for a picture. Let's go and get there before they do. That way you can check out your date for the night as he walks to the table," Abby replied after her phone went off.

"I'm not ready to be set up. I'm just having a drink or two and eating then calling a cab and coming back here," I said as we walked out the door.

We headed to a bar and sat in a booth at the back by the pool tables. Abby got a text and when the waitress came she order two extra beers. I noticed she had ordered Coors Light and I tried to figure out why that was making a bell go off in my head. She told me Taylor and who ever he was bringing were in the parking lot and would be inside in a minute. I started getting nervous and wished I could go for a smoke. When Abby lifted her arm briefly, I took a deep breathe and then look towards the door. I was a little surprised to see Taylor and Dave to be walking towards us. Abby got up and walked towards them while I just got up and stood by the table. I watched as Abby and Taylor hugged and kissed and then he introduced her to Dave, who I had noticed gave me a once over while the couple said their hellos.

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