2. But I Do

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2 Months and 1 Week Later

Britt's Point of View

I hadn't heard from Jason since the night we slept together and I didn't really expect to. Today was Taylor and Abby's house warming party. They had found their own place and moved in together. I missed having her down the hall from me but we saw each other atleast two times a week for girls night and a dinner. I had helped her and Taylor pack up her apartment with Dave a month ago. Things were awkward between Dave and I at first but by the end of the first night things were ok and he spent the night on my couch. He would have stayed on Abby's couch but hers was cluttered with books and boxes. I hadn't been feeling good the past couple of weeks but I was determined to make an appearance today. I had a doctor's appointment on monday though just to make sure everything was ok. I was staring into my closet trying to find something to wear when my nausea hit again and I ran to the bathroom.

After I was done throwing up, I got a text from Abby asking if I was coming. I texted her back saying I'd get there when I get there. I went back to staring at my closet and eventually went with a pait of brown bell bottoms, flip flops and a t-shirt that read "The only thing higher than the hills are the locals." I watched an episode of Summerland and ate some toast to help settle my stomach a bit before I called an Uber to come get me. Maybe I just needed to eat more often. I had been working almost non stop the past few weeks. When my Uber arrived, I headed downstairs and off to Abby and Taylor's. I got out of the Uber and walked up the the door as a car pulled into the drive way. I got to the door as Dave got out of the car.

"Hey there. Don't you look comfy," Dave said as he joined me.

"Hey and I am comfy. It was this or flat out wear my pajamas. I'm surprised I'm here," I responded with as he rang the bell.

"Why you surprised you're here?" Dave asked as we waited.

"I haven't been feeling that great lately. I might not even stay that long," I replied.

"Sorry that you're not feeling good. If you want to leave later I can give you a ride," Dave said. I smiled at him and was about to answer when the door opened.

"Hey guys come on in. What do you want to drink?" Taylor asked. We walked in and headed to the living room.

"Water for me please," I said back as Abby and I hugged.

"Still not feeling good I see. Dave beer?" Taylor asked and Dave shook his head no.

"I offered to drive Britt home if she wants to go later," Dave said.

Taylor raised and eyebrow at him and they both headed off towards the kitchen. Abby took me on a tour around the house before everyone else started showing up. I tried to mingle but I ended up sitting on the couch just listening to a conversation on a subject I knew nothing about. I looked up at one point and Dave made a motion towards the back patio with his head. I excused myself and headed out back. I sat down in a chair and put my feet on the edge with my head on my knees. I sat there for a few minutes before I heard the door open and close.

"You doing ok there?" Dave asked. I looked up at him as he sat down in front of me.

"As good as can be expected. I'm in dire need of a nap," I replied.

"I talked to T and Abby and they said we can go if you want," Dave said as he lit a smoke.

"I can just get an Uber. You don't have to leave the party because of me," I said back.

"It's fine, I can drive you home. I'm not really in the mood to sit around and drink with people," Dave said.

I smiled at him and said thanks. While he smoked we talked about the tour they just finished for their latest album Concrete and Gold. I could have sat there and listen to just him talk all night. I had a smoke myself and then we headed out after saying good bye. When we got to my apartment building, Dave parked and came up with me after I told him he didn't have to. We got to my door and after I opened it I turned to face him.

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