6. I Can Go With The Flow

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1 Week and 1 Day Later - June 18, 2019

13 Weeks and 3 Days

I was sitting in my living room reading when the buzzer for the door went off. I got up and asked who it was. A guy spoke and said he was a flower delivery guy so I buzzed him up. I went and got my purse from my bedroom and managed to grab a drink before there was a knock on my door. I signed for the flowers, tipped the guy and then brought the flower inside. I put them on the table and read the little card that came with them. I then walked back tot he couch and called Dave.

"Hey beautiful. I'm just about to head over there," Dave said when he answered.

"Oh well ok then. Can't wait to see you but I called to thank you for the flowers. I love them," I responded with.

"You're welcome. I just wanted to do something to make you smile. How you feeling so far today?" he asked.

"I'm ok. Tummy is a little wonky still but being lazy on the couch is helping," I replied.

"That's good. I'll be there in about 20 minutes," Dave said.

"Ok see you when you get here," I said and then hung up.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair before going and getting dressed. I picked out a pair of black pants that where opened from the ankle to mid thigh and a flowy tank top that went from dark blue at the top to white at the bottom. I started feeling a bit hungry so I made a sandwich. I was finished and walking to the kitchen when the door opened and Dave waked . I had given him a key so he could come and go since I was often sleeping on my days off. I put the plate down in the sink then went walked over to Dave and kissed him.

"Hey you," I said with a smile after.

"Hi," Dave said back before turning and going into the living room. I closed the door and followed him.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked as I sat down beside him on the couch. Dave put an arm around my shoulders and just smiled at me.

"What do you want to do?" he asked back.

"I don't know. I just ate a sandwich. If you want one I can go make it," I replied.

"I ate before I came over. We could watch a movie and cuddle or make out and see where it goes," Dave said back. I knew what he was referring to and as soon as he said it my head started going a mile a minute.

"I uh guess we could start a movie and then start making out and see where it goes I guess," I replied with.

"I won't bite. Unless you like that," Dave replied with a wink. I giggled nervously as I felt my cheeks get red.

"Just a little bit," I said when I noticed Dave was giving me a look.

"Well ok then. What movie should we watch?" he asked.

"I don't care. Just pick one," I said as he got up and headed over to my dvds.

At this exact moment I wished that I wasn't pregnant so I could have a shot to calm my nerves. Dave put on Home Alone and then came back to the couch. He put his arm on the back of the couch and by the time Kevin realized his family disappeared his arm was around my shoulders. I tried to stay calm and not show how nervous I was as he moved a little closer to me. I put my head on his shoulder after awhile and he moved his arm down more. Dave eventually moved his hand to my back, probably to unhook my bra but I wasn't wearing one and his hand was soon back on the lower part of my side. His hand was soon under my shirt and he was rubbing my back. I was so wound up that my back tensed when he touched me. Dave kissed the side of my head and I turned to look at him.

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