5. Do You Believe It In Your Head

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June 10, 2019

12 Weeks and 2 Days

"Oh my god I really did pop," I exclaimed as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. Dave came into the bathroom shortly after and just smiled at me as I smiled at my reflection.

"You did last week. I thought you just over ate at dinner but it was there the next day," Dave said back as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Awww. Well you weren't the only one if we're being honest. So what are you doing today?" I asked as I started doing my make up.

"Oh I don't know. I thought maybe if it was ok with you that I'd come to the appointment today," he replied with. I stopped what I was doing and turned around to face him.

"You want to come with me?" I asked.

"Of course I do. If you don't me to I can wait here for you and then we can go for lunch. I'm comfortable and happy with whatever you choose," Dave replied with.

He kissed my forehead and then left the bathroom. I finished getting ready and then headed out to the living room. Dave was out on the balcony having a smoke while talking on the phone so I started cleaning up the breakfast dishes. When I was done I sat down on the couch and went through my schedule for the week. I told my agent that I was expecting and he told me to expect less jobs. I had also told my bosses at the station and the studio that I was pregnant. The studio said they'd call me like they ususally did if they needed me. I got a hint that maybe I shouldn't except a call but you never know. The station said that I could start working a steady shift in July and I couldn't wait. I did however have atleast have two shoots booked this week so I wouldn't have to worry too much about this months bills. I looked up from my planner when the door closed and Dave was inside.

"Why do you looked worried? If you're worried about your bills again don't be. I told you I'd help if you really need me to,"Dave said. I sighed in exsaperation and closed my planner.

"I don't want you to do that. I can do this myself but I get that you want to help. It's just going to be tight for a really long time," I said as I half threw, half placed my planner on the coffee table.

"If you need the money I can help. You can do some odd jobs around the studio for me if that's what it'll take," Dave replied with as he sat down beside me.

"I need to try and do this myself Dave but I'd love it if you came to the appointment today," I responded back with.

"Good and I know you want to do this on your own. Just know that if you really really need the help just ask ok," Dave said and I nodded my head.

"Hey we better get going if we want to be there on time," I said, changing the subject. We had only just made things official and I didn't like the way the conversation was going.

"You're right we better go," Dave said as we both stood up.

We then headed to the doctors and sat in the waiting room for about 20 minutes. I was getting kind of anxious so I started bouncing my knee. After awhile Dave put his hand on my knee and I looked over at him and smiled. He was about to say something but my name was called and we headed back into a room. We waited another 5 minutes before Dr. Madison came in.

"Hello Brittany. How are you feeling?" she asked as started up the ultrasound machine.

"Good I guess. Slightly stressed about finaces but other than that I'm okay," I replied.

"Don't worry about things too much. It's not good for you or the baby. Lay back and lift up your shirt please," she said. I did as she said and then she squeezed the gel on my belly. "So is this the father?" she asked as she put the wand on me and started moving it around.

"No I'm her boyfriend. We just started dating but we did meet the night the little one was concieved," Dave replied. I smiled up at him and he smiled back at me before the doctor spoke again.

"Well that's good you're not doing this alone now but take a look at this. That is your baby,"she said and we both looked up at the screen.

My mouth fell open and I started tearing up as I saw my baby on the screen. Dave leaned over and kissed the top of my head and the tears just started falling. The doctor printed off a couple of pictures for me and we talked for a bit before we left. We scheduled my next appointment and then headed out to lunch. After lunch we went shopping and I bought a few things for the baby before we went to get groceries. After he helped me put the groceries away, Dave said he'd be back later with dinner and that he'd missed me. After he left, I put one of the sonogram pictures on the fridge and then headed to my room. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled as I lifted up my shirt. I then got into bed and took a big nap. I didn't wake up until I heard knocking on my door. I got up to answer it and was happy to see Dave with a pizza.

"I also got chicken strips cause I know you love your chicken," Dave said as he came into my apartment.

"Mmmm yummy. Were you knocking long?" I asked, yawning about half way through.

"Nope. You got some serious bed head going on right now," Dave commented as we headed to the kitchen. I then ran to the bathroom and started brushing my hair. Dave joined me as I put the brush down.

"There! Bedhead tamed," I exclaimed with a smile.

"I didn't say that so you'd go brush it. Now I'm just going to have to put it back later," Daave said.

"You're going to give me bedhead?" I asked confused.

"Well something close to it," Dave responded with a wink.

"Oh," I said once I figured out what he meant.

"I was joking. It'll happen when the time is right," Dave said back.

The rest of the night was spent eating the pizza while we watched Berlin Syndrome and The Full Monty. Dave decided to spend the night at his place and I kind of felt bad. We had spent the night together a few times but never once did we go further than making out, snuggling and actually sleeping. Jason didn't wear a condom, obviously, and I had gotten tests that all came back negative but I still had to go back in three months and get one more just to make sure. Was that little comment Dave said earlier a hint that he was ready to take it to the next level? If it was, was I ready? I spent an hour writing all of my thoughts down and then went to bed. I had decided that if things started heading into that direction next time we were together, that I wouldn't say no but I was going to be safe either way.

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