3. I Wanna Know What Love Is

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I woke up on Monday and ran straight to the bathroom. After spending an hour with my head in the toilet, I showered, brushed my hair and got ready for the day. I had a doctor's appointment and then had to go to a shoot so I wore jeans, a t-shirt that read 'Pick Flowers Not Fights' and flipflops. I ate breakfast before I decided to blow dry my hair. I was leaving when my phone started ringing. I locked my door and pulled it out as I started walking down the hall and saw it was Dave.

"Hey you. Just calling to see if you're still down for our date tonight," Dave said once I answered.

"Oh I am. If the shoot goes longer than expected I'll let you know," I said back as I got int he elevator and headed down to the garage.

"Good and that sounds good. What are you doing right now?" Dave asked and I let out a small laugh.

"Heading to my car so I can get to my doctors appointment before work. What are you doing right now?" I asked back playfully.

"Sitting down at my table drinking coffee," he responded with.

"Sounds nice. What are you wearing?" I asked with a slight giggle.

"My pajamas. What are you wearing?" he asked back. I could her his smile all the way through the phone and I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Jeans and a t-shirt," I replied as I walked to my car.

"Sexy. Hey wear something with socks tonight. You'll need the socks, trust me," Dave said as I got in my car.

I said sounds good and then we exchanged goodbyes and I headed off to my doctors appointment. I waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before being taken to a room. When the doctor came in I told her what had been happening and she gave me a chek up before taking some blood. We scheduled an appointment for Friday so I could come get the results. I then headed off to my shoot and spent the rest of the day half naked by a pool. When I got home, I opened a beer and just sat down on the couch. I finished my beer and then decided it was time to start getting ready. I walked into the bathroom and saw that my hair still looked decent and my make up didn't really need to be done. Little over done for my usual but it was a date after all. I changed into my favorite pair of jeans and a off the shoulder navy blue crop top. I grabbed a pair of socks and put them in my purse for later because I was wearing flip flops. I had just sat down ont eh couch when my door bell rang. I got up and ran over to get it.

"Hey you," I said once I saw Dave standing there.

"Hey you yourself. God you look amazing but you need socks," Dave said back after he saw my feet.

"Socks is all I need? No closed toe shoes?" I asked as I walked over to my hall table and grabbed my purse. I started rumaging around in my purse for the socks.

"Just socks. Probably should oh nevermind," he said as I pulled them ot of my purse.

"Always be prepared," I said with a wink and Dave smiled back.

We then left my apartment and headed down outside. We walked to Dave's car and when we got there, he opened my door for me. I thanked him and got in and then he walked around to his side. We drove for a bit and he asked me how the shoot went. I told him all I had to do was stand around half naked by a pool in different bathing suits so it wasn't too bad. When we pulled into the parking lot of a bowling alley, I turned and looked at him.

"We're going bowling?" I asked.

"Uh huh. Unless you want to do something else," Dave replied.

"No it's fine. I used to go bowling all the time but I haven't in awhile," I said back with a huge smile.

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