4. I Want You To Show Me

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The morning after my third date with Dave, I made breakfast for us and we agreed to go out again on Friday night after my last shoot for the week. Tuesday and Wednesday went smoothly despite me still feeling sick. I got a call from my doctor on Thursday and she asked me if I could come in right away. I told her my shoot was over at two and I could make it in by three. She said that was fine and that she'd see me later. I went to my shoot and finished early enough to get something to eat before my appointment. When I got to my doctor's office I checked in and waited a few minutes before being called. I followed the nurse and she opened the door to an office.

"The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse said and closed the door behind her. I sat down in one of the chairs and waited for my doctor.

"Brittany Hi sorry to keep you waiting," Dr. Madison said as she walked into the room. I stood up and we shook hands before we both sat down on opposite sides of the desk.

"Am I dying?" I asked seriously and she started laughing.

"No dearie you're not. Now before I tell you why I asked you to come in I just want to remind you to come back in in 3 months for the second test," she replied. I nodded and then waited for her to contiue. What she said next was something I never would have expected her to say.

"You're pregnant."

"I beg your pardon?" I said, completely stunned.

"You're pregnant. 11 weels to be exact," the doctor said.

When I left the doctor's office I was still completely shocked at what she said. What was I going to do? I was going to be a single mom who got knocked up from a one night stand. I called Abby and asked her to come over. She asked if Taylor could come and I told her I needed to talk to her. She said she got it and came over right away. I told her what the doctor told me and she was a little surprised. We ordered pizza and just talked it out. Abby said she'd be here to help me whenever I needed it after I had decided to keep it. As I grabbed the last slice of pizza I remembered Dave.

"Oh my god I forgot abotu Dave. Oh I gotta end things now," I said and threw the slice back in the box.

"Not really. I mean you could tell him and let him decide for himself. Don't make any rash decisions hun. Where is your phone? That ringtone is driving me nuts," Abby said as my phone went off the hundredth time that night.

"No don't answer it. It's his ringtone," I said as she got up. Abby started lookign around for ym phone. When she got close to the kitchen she raised an eye brow and looked at the cookie jar on the short book shelf I had.

"Why the cookie jar?" she asked as she took my phone out as it stopped ringing.

"I'll need cookies after I break it off with him," I replied. My phone started ringing yet again.

"Hello," Abby said after she answered it. "She's fine. Hey are you doing anything right now? No? Oh good. Can you come over to Britt's please? She needs to tell you something and I'm going to be here for moral support. Ok great. See you soon."

"I hate you right now. He's newly single and won't want to date a pregnant chick. He's going to end things," I said as Abby rejoined me on the couch.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe he'll stick around. You didn't hear this from me but I overheard him and Taylor talking on Tuesday. He said he really likes you and wants to see where things go," Abby said.

"I really like him too. I don't want to end things but I can't ask him to take on so much drama," I said back.

"We'll just wait and see," Abby said.

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