7. And You Feel Like It's All Over

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6 Weeks and 6 Days Later - August 5, 2019

20 Week And 2 Days

"You promise you'll be there?" I asked Dave. He was looking at his phone and had been ignoring me most of this morning. I waited until he was done and he still didn't say anything.

"Hello, earth to Dave!" I shouted and waved my hands in front of his face. He looked up at me and half smiled.

"Sorry babe but what did you say?" he asked me as I grabbed both our plates and started for the kitchen.

"I asked you if you promised to be there today," I said as I put the plates in the sink.

"Your doctor's appointment? Of course, I'll be there. Can't wait to see the little one," Dave said as he went back to looking at his phone.

"It's at 1:30. Don't forget. We get to find out the sex today," I said plainly.

Dave mumbled a 'ya ok' before he answered his phone and left the table. I had a feeling that he would forget about the appointment like he did last month. That was bringing my excitement down a bit about finding out whether it was a boy or a girl. Dave had become a little distracted since starting a new project. I barely saw him because we were both either working or he had the girls for the weekend but I didn't mind. If I wasn't at KLOS, I was either at a shoot or at home sleeping. When I did see Dave though he was usually distracted. I get that he was working but I was starting to feel a little left out. I was drying the breakfast dishes when Dave came into the kitchen and told me he was leaving. He kissed me on the cheek and told me he'd see me later. As he headed towards the door, I reminded him one more time about the appointment. When the door closed behind him I let out a huge sigh and then looked down at my bump.

"I hope he doesn't forget. I don't want to find out what you are without him," I said to my bump as I rubbed it.

I did some light cleaning around the house and then got ready to meet Abby for lunch. I wore flower print pants, grey suede boots and a long-sleeved loose-fitting grey shirt with pockets. I had yet to buy maternity clothes but most of my shirts where loose fitting so my bump didn't show out the bottom munch. I tried to keep a smile plastered on my face throughout lunch but when Abby started talking about the renovations her and Taylor were getting done, my mind drifted and I knew that my face would show I was worried.

"Ok I know talking about going paint shopping is boring, as is the activity itself but there's nothing to worry about Britt," Abby said as I snapped back to attention.

"Sorry, my mind went elsewhere. What color of paint did you go with?" I asked.

"Now I know you weren't listening because I asked if you wanted to go paint shopping with me after your appointment. What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's nothing really. Just feeling a little neglected since Dave started his new project. I mean I know he's busy with the project and the girls take up a lot of his time but I just feel left out sometimes," I replied.

"Didn't he get a babysitter for the girls last night so he could spend the night with you?" Abby asked in return and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes he did and I love that he did that but he spent half the night and this morning glued to his phone. He's worse then me at times," I complained.

"Well he said he was going to be at the appointment today right?" she asked and I nodded my head.

"I just feel like he's going to forget like last month. That's all. Anyways, of course I'll go paint shopping with you after the appointment. Oh shoot I gotta go or I won't make it in time," I said when I saw the clock on the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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