Witches Before Wizards

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(Author's Note: So as you've probably noticed, I have changed Luis' name to Miguel. Miguel just sounded better to me and in hindsight I should've probably decided sooner. with that being said, enjoy the chapter)

In the night, in middle of the forest itself stood a house with an eye staring at the stretch of land surrounding the house. Within the house lied a boy who was currently tossing and turning in his sleep. Suddenly, near a table where he had placed the blue bracelets he had found earlier, the jewelry began to move their way onto the boy's sleeping body making their way to his wrists. The bracelets let out a clicking sound as they attached themselves to the boys wrists. Miguel still asleep as if nothing had happened.

Miguel: [In his sleep] Pase el balón güey!

As time would pass he would have memories of entering the Boiling Isles would consume his mind. How he had arrived to the Boiling Isle's, the need to protect Luz and ensure she didn't get hurt. The cross he was given, the faces of his papa and abuelo. Everything.

Eda: [Memory] Welcome to...The Owl House.

Miguel would awaken in a cold sweat as he would remember that he and Luz had decided to stay in the Boiling Isles. He had hoped that it had been a dream.

Miguel: So it wasn't a dream? Well, I guess I should get up.

He would turn to the left meeting face to face with Hooty, the house demon?

Hooty: Good Morning Miguel!

Miguel: [Startled] Ay! What the heck!!

Miguel rolled back from the couch, landing face front to the carpeted floor.

Miguel: Ow...

Hooty: Wow you're a morning person, just look at that energy!

Miguel:[Groaning in slight pain] Not the reason I jumped...ow.

[Cut to Luz]

Luz awakened to the present with a gasp and looks around the room, where king was sleeping by her feet. Luz began to smile and left her fists in the air with joy.

Luz: It wasn't a dream!

Luz stood up walking to the window of her room opening it. With a smile she began to greet the strange new world before her.

Luz: Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!

Just then a green monster that stood in the center of the ocean waved back at the girl with a slight smile.

Green Monster: Good Morning!

The green monster would submerge to the bottom of the ocean, having said greetings.

Luz would shudder and seem a little disturbed by the creature's greetings.

Luz: Ughhh.

Luz walked over to a sleeping King carrying him up, who had now woken up.

Luz: Good morning my little cutie-pie!

The girl then repeatedly kissed King on the head much to his annoyance and objection.

King: I am not your cutie-pie!

King protested angrily.

Luz would then place him down with assurance, smiling. She walked ahead to face the day.

Luz: Yes you are.

King: [Defeated, sighing] I know.

Luz would dress up for the day, she left the room heading to the bathroom, she opened the bathroom, which caused several owls to fly outside of the bathroom they resided in. She watched them fly away in awe, before walking backwards into the bathroom. Hooty stood still as he awaited Luz to enter, to wish her a good morning.

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