(SMUT)(REQUESTED)- Stephen Tries

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Requested By: melantori~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh Y/n their's the annual Sidemen party tonight an your coming -Talia said I alway's do -I said Well get up an get ready we're kinda running late -She said Talia -I yelled

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Requested By: melantori
Oh Y/n their's the annual Sidemen party tonight an your coming -Talia said I alway's do -I said Well get up an get ready we're kinda running late -She said Talia -I yelled.

Running into my room I rummaged through my whole closet finding an outfit I settled with a blue satin dress.

After changing I walked out of the room an saw Talia Fucking hell your getting laid -She said Nope -I said Yes you haven't been laid in like 2 year's -She said We will just see how the night goes Come on -I said

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After changing I walked out of the room an saw Talia Fucking hell your getting laid -She said Nope -I said Yes you haven't been laid in like 2 year's -She said We will just see how the night goes Come on -I said.

Arriving at the location I stepped out of the cab an grabbed Talia's hand we walked inside an it was instantly crowded I'm gonna find Simon -Talia said I nodded.

Talia left an I tried to find the bar which I found so I made my way their an their sat JJ, Stephen an Randy Hey boy's -I said "Hello Y/n your looking lovely" -Randy said Thank you -I said as I sat in between JJ and Stephen.

What do you want to drink Y/n -Stephen asked Something strong -I said A Tequila shot -He said 2 -I said "Woah are you ok Y/n" -JJ said Yeh just excited to have a get together I wanna get smashed -I said Well I'm pretty sure we all are -Randy said.

Stephen passed me the 2 shot's an a Vodka redbull which is my favourite drink Thank you -I said grabbing the shot's an shooting them down Take it easy -He said I looked at him Hah no -I said sipping my vodka.

Let's dance -I said I grabbed Stephen's hand an we walked to the dance floor I can't dance darling -He said Just move your hip's to the beat -I said as I did exactly that.

Stephen put his hand's on my waist an mine around his neck I leaned in an kissed him he kissed back an entered his tongue Let's get out of here -He said I nodded an grabbed his hand as we walked out of the club.

We hopped in a cab an made our way to my flat as Talia was most likely gonna be staying with Simon. Arriving I got out of the cab as Stephen paid the fee I walked into the building Stephen following me.

Making it to my door I unlocked the door an unlocked it I took my shoe's off an bracelet an dumped my bag on the table. Stephen came toward's me an picked me up He walked me to my room an dumped me on the bed he kicked the door shut on his way.

Leaning down He kissed me I kissed back an unbuttoned his shirt as I slipped it off an he chucked it he rolled up my dress an put it over my head I chucked it an he kissed my lip's again.

Making his way to my neck I moaned as he bit my skin Your so hot -He said Unclasping my bra an chucking that also He stared at them then began doing his thing.

I pulled his pant's down an he kicked them away I pulled my pantie's down an pulled his boxer's off You ready -He said I nodded He moved me so I was flat on my back He inserted in me an I moaned out.

Right there -I said Putting my hand's in his hands he kissed my shoulder You feel so good -He said I'm gonna cum -I let out Cum for me -He said which I did. He flopped beside me an I soon closed my eyes.

Waking upto someone entering my room an a arm around me I looked over to see Stephen I smiled but then looked up to see Talia an Simon Yes girl you got some -She said Go away -I whispered she laughed an left with Simon.

The End.

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