Harry Lewis- Hide In Seek In his familys house

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Touching down in Guernsey I smiled as I get to be back in my boyfriend's arm's after grabbing my luggage I left the airport to be stood their.

Grabbing my phone I pressed on Harry's contact an it rang Hello -He said yep no caller ID Hi babe -I said Oh hi bub are you at the airport -He said Yep an it's freezing cold an raining -I said I'm sorry I'll be their soon -He said Don't be sorry it's not your fault you have my gate right -I said Yep -He said Ok Love you -I said Love you to -He said.

I sat on a bench rubbing my hand's over my arm's trying to warm myself up soon seeing a MG pull through the Arrival's section I see Harry exit.

Standing up I run into his arm's an he picked me up I missed you so much baby -He said in my neck I missed you to Harry -I said pulling away an kissing him.

Loading the car we got inside I bought you more clothes -I said Thank you bub -He said putting a hand on my thigh I grabbed it an held his hand.

Arriving at his house he parked the car an we got out of it Harry grabbed my suitcase while I grabbed my backpack. We entered the house trying to be quiet as it was 11pm.

We entered the bedroom as we stayed on the bottom floor as his family stayed on the top floor. Putting my bag down I groaned an stretched my back out Come on missy time for bed we have a busy day tomorrow also a early morning walk with the boy's -Harry said.

Yay I grumbled he put an arm around my waist an kissed my cheek I missed you -He said I missed you to Harry -I said putting my head in his neck Go change bub an then you can sleep in your favourite arm's -He said Yes -I said squealing then going into the bathroom.

Yay I grumbled he put an arm around my waist an kissed my cheek I missed you -He said I missed you to Harry -I said putting my head in his neck Go change bub an then you can sleep in your favourite arm's -He said Yes -I said squealing then going i...

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