8.Trainee days love

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One fine evening while all the trainees were just chilling having fun talking to each other, yg suddenly came to visit the 7 trainees, to talk about their up coming actives"ahyeon how are you feeling today, you were a little sick yesterday"

"I'm feeling fine, thanks for asking pd-nim"

"Very good, ahyeon-ah, now I shall leave you girls alone, have a fun break today" The girls bow and as yg left they all lay on the floor eyes close wanting to fall asleep

"Gosh I'm exhausted"Haram says as she gets up, unable to sleep because of Overthinking, their solo ranking result is gonna be announced tomorrow, which gives them stress  "I can't sleep"

"I can't sleep as well"says Ruka

" Shall we play a game"she suggest

"Unnie, do you think we're in that kind of level to play"says pharita

" Oh yeah sorry"

A few hours past some of the trainees were asleep while some can't sleep,only eyes glued on the phone screen for the past few hours now

"Yah unnie, do you have any idea why rora is always so stick to asa unnie?" Haram ask ruka,not being able to keep the question in anymore"I don't know I have notice it to but can't seem to figure out why"

"What are you both talking about?" Ask pharita who was beside them on her phone, but got curious of what they were talking about, put her phone away and look at the two then sit up"nothing just talking why rora is so stick to asa unnie"

"Oh you both have notice too"

"Wait you have notice it too"Ruka ask pharita to which pharita nod in response" But I can't seem to figure out why she's so stick up to her"she says as she suddenly out of nowhere get lost on her thoughts

"Oh unnie, not only rora, asa unnie cares for rora the most"

"Oh yeah that's right, is their something going on between the two, their roommate right?"

"Yeah of course, well maybe because they're roommate they have made a really good bond"

"Could be" Then they heard Chiquita groan"unniez can you shut up pls, I'm trying to get a sleep"she says with her eyes close"oh sorry chi"ruka apologize as she looks over at pharita who was still super lost on her thoughts "yah rita!" Ruka calls out, and pharita snap out of her thoughts and look at ruka with confuse"yes?"

"Stop thinking about, me and Haram thought that maybe because they're roommates they have made a really good bond together"

"Yes that's right too, but.... "

"But what unnie?" Haram ask

"Do you think that, they like each other?"

"Wait what?!!" Both Haram and ruka shout at the same time, which attract rora and asa, and the two sleeping girls on the floor"what happen?"ask ahyeon

"Oh it's nothing sorry" Haram says as she let her attention back to pharita and whispers"are you kidding"

"No I'm not, but I'm just saying it could be" She whispers back

"It's true tho"ruka says

" Let's not think about it anymore"Haram says as she took her phone and scroll on youtube
Next day the girls are gather at the meeting room to hear their rankings





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