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Ruka and rora were heading back to class when they came upon, pharita and asa, pharita looked mad, really mad, when pharita was about to say something, ruka stop her and pull her somewhere leaving asa and rora alone

"Ruka!, stop!" Pharita shouts at ruka but ruka didn't answer and just kept on pulling her with a serious face"ruka!!!"pharita raise her voice at ruka, ruka stop and look at her"how dare you raise your voice at me?!"ruka says and pharita gulp"look, I know your angry but hear me out"ruka told pharita everything from the strat to end of what happened with her and rora, and what rora had told her, pharita looked shocked, she take back everything, the thought of wanting to slap rora, the mad thought, and wanting to kill rora,"so than, it's lia who threaten rora, and done this to them, and almost ruined our friendship!"ruka exclaimed, pharita stays quiet, ruka pulled her back to the two and saw them still standing without looking at each other nor taking"pharita, theirs no way that asa would easily agree to talk with rora so, you go talk to her while I take rora to the rooftop and wait for you both okay?"ruka whispers to pharita and pharita nod, she went near asa and ask her to talk to her somewhere and she agreed, ruka went to rora, and smiled at her, rora was confuse, ruka than held her hand and drag her towards the rooftop

Asa and pharita stays quiet without saying anything when they reach where they were suppose to go, pharita looks at her and looks back at the sky"you know were already really late for our class"pharita says while staring at the sky"yeah, so?"asa ask her"asa?, you know that right, your my best friend, and also a very precious person to me, I don't wanna see you hurt like this,it hurts me too"pharita says and asa just look at her"yes and?"asa asked pharita chuckle "silly, you know I liked you so much,I loved you romantically, and wanted to confess my feelings towards you, tell you how I really feel, but when rora and ruka came, I could see the hearts on your eyes when you first or whenever you saw rora, I was sad really and mad, I wanted to just kill rora with my own hand, but seeing you really happy with her made me think that you both are soulmate and were meant for each other, so I stayed quiet, I didn't wanted to ruin our friendship or anything,when you told me that you and rora were together, I could see how happy you were, so o also tried to be happy for you"pharita confess shocking asa, who looks at her in full shocked"so I want you to go and talk to her, she have got something to tell you, and pls, don't say no, just trust me"pharita says and asa just stays quiet pharita looks at her and smiles, asa smiles back and nod, than got up"she's at the rooftop"pharita adds and asa nod"thank you so much rita unnie, and by the way, I think that you already found your destiny as well"asa says as she winks at her and run away laughing

When asa reach the rooftop she saw rora, and she wanted to cry again so bad, but she tried and control herself and slowly went to her and stand beside her"w-what do you want to tell m-me?"asa ask, rora close her eyes and stays quiet, feeling the wind blowing her face"rora say it fa-"asa got cut

"I'm sorry, I didn't really meant it, I'm sorry, I ruin everything, I'm sorry I didn't told you at the first place, I'm sorry I'm a coward, I'm sorry I made you cry, she" Rora didn't continue "she what?, and who?" Asa ask, curious now that rora didn't continue "she threaten me saying if I didn't broke up with you she'll hurt our friends including you, I was scared she'll really do, so I did what she said and broke up with you, I didn't told you because I was scared if I told you she'll do even worst, I'm so sorry asa, I didn't meant it"rora burst out crying and fall down on her knees while crying, asa was also crying and she was shocked "lia, is it?" Asa ask and looked down at rora than rora nod, and asa clench her fist, and now their were tears of anger, asa Kneeled down on one knee and hesitantly hug rora"it's ok, I forgive you"asa says and rora hug her back tight"I'm sorry pls don't leave me, I don't want you to leave I can't leave without you, I  really so-"rora didn't finish when asa smash her lips on hers and rora kiss her back, they pulled out after a few minutes "it's ok I understand, pls don't cry and say sorry anymore, I love you so much I won't leave you for someone else or anything" Asa says with a smile

"Lia!" Asa shouts and lias attention went straight to her, lia was happy, well not for long lia, she ran to her and was about to hug her when she saw rora behind asa, and she looks at asas face and saw that she was mad like really mad, she knew that asa had already knew, than a slap sound could be heard"how dare you threaten my girlfriend!"asa shout lia touch her cheek where asa had slap"because I like you!!"lia shouts back"and I don't, don't you ever try and seperate us again, or else I can get you expelled, you understand, I'll make your life miserable"with that asa pulled rora away from their

Time really flies so fast, it has been what, weeks, months, since that happens, 3months since that had happened and everything is fine, rora and asa live happily and lia never bothered them again, and about pharita and ruka, now pharita what asa meant that day, ruka confess her feelings towards pharita not so long after, and they became a couple, pharita found out she had liked ruka so much but never realize

"I love you so much" Asa says to rora as she stork her hair, their are here at roras house, mostly to say their house now, and is tuck up in bed trying to sleep, rora is resting her head on asas chest while asa stork her hair"I love you too very much"rora replies she looks up at asa and they both shared a really passionate kiss

You may not find your true love soon, but know that it will always have a time to come

You maight have a fight with your lover but, know that, if you both really love each other or if your both really meant for each other know that destiny will alwys bring you back together

Don't ever let someone seperate you from your love ones or your partner, always tell them if someone is bothering you like this one

Trust your partner and stay strong with each other

The End

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