20.Till my last breath

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Someone likes angst, so why not

Let's go!


Rora came back from the bathroom just to see the others looking at a none stop practing asa,rora sigh, she had been practising for the past few hours, it's their break time but, nope, asa wouldn't just take a break, not even for a slipt second, rora went to her, but asa seems like she didn't notice her

"Are you still practicing?" Rora ask

"If I was you I wouldn't" Rami tries and worn her fellow member

"Take a break!" Rora says to her, asa looks at her, close her eyes and sigh"you know what, just shut up!, rora, your giving me a headache, stop bugging me, why do i even have to do whatever you tell me?,don't tell me what to do, just leave me alone, no one cares, I hate you!, just go away and leave me alone and let me practice!, why are you so touchy and all, don't always stick to me because I hate you like hell, your useless, so just leave me alone rora!!"asa shouts at her

The other members were shocked by asa, how could she scream like at, to rora, it was not the real asa, before they even knew, rora had already left the practice room, while tears were flowing like crazy from her eyes, Chiquita and rami look at each other and decided to look for rora, while the others, try and ask asa why did she do that

Rami and chiquita are finding rora,but they couldn't find her anywhere, they check their dorm, and everywhere but they couldn't find her, they almost gave up, when they heard some sniffing when they went to the toilet, they open the door which they think the noise come from, and they were right, rora was there sitting, looking like a mess, Chiquita hug her"hey, it's ok"she tried to calm her older friend down, rami also kneel down on one knee"hey, sunflower, do you want me to sing, for you?"rami ask the younger, rora looks at her and nod, but before rami could even do a thing rora broke down in tears again,Chiquita pull her in a tight embrace and just let her cry, rami also joins them"D-do you t-think she m-meant that?"she asl, Chiquita and rami looks at each other not knowing what to say, Chiquita looks back at rora and says"no flower, I know asa really didn't mean that, maybe she's just stress"chiquita replie to her, rami nods"give her sometime"rami says, they stay there for a few minutes

"Asa, you didn't mean that, did you?" Ahyeon ask her fellow member, who didn't even pay attention to what they were saying and just kept on dancing"asa!, answer us"pharita shouts, asa stop dancing she sigh and looks at them, more likely glare at them,"what do you guys want, can't you see I'm busy practicing"she says, trying to not burst to them"asa, it's not good for your health to keep on practicing like that, get some rest"ruka says, but asa just scoff"just shut up you all, I hate you all so much sometimes, can't you all just leave me alone, at least for once!!"asa shouts at them, they couldn't believe it, they couldn't believe that the soft and clam asa, who was always so sweet to them, saying like this things to them, they couldn't believe their ears, they just couldn't believe that their fellow member who they love so much, literally just shouted at them"asa, I know that your maybe having stress and all,but it's not the best, I don't know what going on with you but I care about you asa, pls, don't"pharita says as she soften her voice "just leave me the fuck alone!!" Asa didn't care about what pharita says she just shouts at them, with a glare"asa unnie what has gotten into you?"they heard a voice from the door, it was their maknae, she was leaning against the door frame looking at asa,asas gaze also went to her"what do you mean what has gotten into me?"asa ask her

"This is not the asa that I knew before, where did the soft and clam asa go!, who loved her members so much, the mother like asa, the leader like asa, the asa that I love so much, the asa who would rather die than hurt rora, say bad thing to her like that, do you even see yourself, it's not the same you, get back to your sense asa, I don't know what has gotten into you, but you have changed so much, for the past few weeks I have seen that your none stop practicing, don't you ever get tired of listening to the same song every single day, and do you know what you just said to rora, it hurted her so much, she's at her room, she locked herself, she wouldn't let anyone in, rami unnie is trying to convince her to open up, but she won't, she's hurt, so much, I have never seen her like this before, I have never seen her cry this much, asa unnie, pls this is not the real you, the real you is gone, your another person, what happened unnie?!"Chiquita says, asa was in shocked, she just knew that she wasn't herself, she acted like a jerk the whole time, with what Chiquita just said, she found out, she looks down"i-im sorry guys, I acted like a jerk, I'm sorry, when yg choose for the members who were going to debut, I was not included,than I saw the comments about me,i felt so untalented, I felt useless, but I forgot about you guys, I forgot about rora, she also wasn't chosen, and also had to go through the same, I'm so sorry, guys"asa says while tears started to fall from her eyes, they all went to her and hug her one by one, Chiquita who was looking at them quietly soon also joined them, than a panick rami came"she wouldn't open her door and now it's so quiet I'm worried guys"she says, they all broke the hug and looks at her, rami went back to roras room and the others followed her, they knock several times at roras room, but rora wouldn't open the door, she wouldn't even answer them, than asa came in front of roras room door, she knock softly "rora-yah, I'm sorry pls, open the door" She says softly but no answers, she knock again, than again, but still didn't get any answers from rora, asa sigh, than they heard something "p-pls, j-just leave me" with the last word being a whisper,pharita step front and went besides asa"pls rora, open this door, you both need a talk, come on"pharita tiers and convince her fellow member, but rora didn't do a thing, nor talk, nor make a sound"I'm gonna break open the door if you don't open"asa says, as she step backs and count"I'm going to count till 5" She says, and sigh before she continues "1, 2,3,4-" Than the door slang open, revealing a weak rora, she was looking down, but when she look up, they could tell that she had done nothing but crying for the past few hours, they all look at asa and rora back and fort, than they all look at each other and went away leaving the both to have a talk, asa went near rora but rora just step back"pls, g-go away f-from me"she beggs, yeah literally beg her not to get near her"rora, I'm sorry, pls"asa says as she try to reach roras hand, but rora move away"no!, pls go!, I thought you hated me, if so, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being a burden to you, I'm sorry for being bugging to you, I'm sorry for being so useless and dumb, I'm sorry, I should just leave right?, that would be best, than you all could debut and be a better group, babymonster, is better without me, I-"rora couldn't finish her words, she just burst out crying again, and fall down on her knees, "I'm disgusting" Asa says as she kneels down, and hesitantly hug rora"it's not your fault, I'm sorry rora, I really didn't mean that,I'm so sorry, your not a burden to me, your not bugging me, your not useless, not unworthy, nor anything, your an angle, an angel that God send us, I don't hate you and no, babymonster is not a better group without you, you need to be in babymonster,we need you, our fans do, rora, I didn't really meant everything that i said, I'm sorry, just forgive me"asa says and tool a deep breath before saying

"I know it's not the perfect time for this but, I just want you to know that, everytime I see you, my life which I felt dark become light again, whenever you come and sit besides me, my heart beat in a double speed, I like everything about you, your smell, your talk, your way of laughing, I even like the way you breath, I like it when you come to me and hug me, I like it when you tell me something so excitedly, I like it when you tell me stories, I just like everything about you,and your face its beautiful, your nose, lips, even your chin, I love you so much, rora"asa says, she could feel that rora was shocked and she could see the shine at roras eyes with every sentence every word she said"I lov-"just when rora was about to say, asa cut her out"no, keep it for now, I don't want to hear it till I deserve it, let me treat you better, let me treat you like you deserve"asa says and smile at her

"I'm gonna cry, this is so sweet" Ahyeon says to her felloe members who were standing their with her"so am I forgiven, I wouldn't be kick out or anything and I will get food right?"asa says a little embarrassed "when did we every say that, and yeah unnie your forgiven, but if this ever happen again, your going to get kick out for sure" Chiquita says to her unnie, who laughs, and looks over at rora"and you, I'll take you out somewhere, if you allow me to"she says


And not long after rora and asa became couple, and became the one that their members always tease whenever they have a moment or something


Asa and rora are now at their shared room, while just cuddling with each other on bed"I love you, I promise to never hurt you again"asa says as she stroke roras hair"I love you too"rora replies to her"I wouldn't leave your side, till my last breath"asa says and kiss rora

Well yeah that's all, I know, it took me awhile because I'm a fast updated, but because of school, and my sisters accident, I may not be so active like before, so pls, I ask for your understanding,and forgive me if I update so slow, I'm telling you in advance I wouldn't delete nor not upload again, but it would be a slow update after every few months,or after every 2 weeks, anyway see you
In the next one

Bye for now!!!

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