27.Another life(meet) continuation

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Okay, okay, I made someone cry, or more, so here is it, another life continuation! I also wanted to continue and because of you guys I can, so here it is!


After roras dead, asa was depressed, she live in depression for a very long time, she lock herself in her room everytime of the day, she doesn't eat and smile, she always cry herself to sleep, she was pale soon after, she really missed rora, when she couldn't take it anymore, all she had left to do was, suicide, she just couldn't live a life like this anymore, she wanted to go to rora, so one day,she got a rope and commit suicide


After 25 years

A girl was walking down the alley at midnight, when she came upon some drunk people, they tried to touch her in an inappropriate way, she was scared and wanted to went away from their but she can't because she was weak, just than another girl came"hey!, stop it!"the girl came than pull the other girl to her side"hEy, She'S, oUrS"one of the drunk guy said, the girl just kick him in the stomach, and than a fight happen, but obviously the girl won as the guys were drunk, and also the girl was good at fighting"get lost!"she lastly shout at them, and they ran away, the girl than turn to the other girl, and check her"are you okay?, did they hurt you?"she quickly ask while checking her"I'm fine, thank you"the girl replies with a sweet smile, "umm, can you accompany me please?" The girl ask,"sure"so than the both of them started walking together

They are now here at the park, walking around "by the way I forgot to ask your name?" The girl ask,"im asami, nice to, meet you"asami introduce herself "well, I'm Hwa-young, nice to meet you" Hwa-young also introduce herself after asa,"that's a, very beautiful name"asa said to her"what does it mean?"asa than ask again"it means, beautiful flower, what about yours?"ask hwa-young after"mines mean, morning beauty"asami said"wow, that's a very beautiful one, for a pretty girl like you" hwa-young tease, asami blush "thanks" They both than started walking quietly "I think we need to go home now, it's late" Hwa-young said after looking at watch"I guess yeah, so bye?"asami said as they stop and face her"or maybe I can drop you off to your house?" hwa-young ask, asami looked like she is thinking for awhile than nod"okay, I don't think after what happen I can go home alone, hehe"asami said in a cute way, which made hwa-young chuckle "let's go than" Than the both of them wall towards where hwa-young park her car

After a few months, hwa-young and asami became good friends, it was like they had knew each other for a very long time, they were each other's happy place

One day they decided to meet each other at a café, asami was very excited, as well as hwa-young, for some reason they were always really excited to meet each other, also asami always felt this straight feeling everytime she was with hwa-young, a very excited feeling, butterflies in her stomach, and a light of fireworks, asami knew she was falling for hwa-young, but she was scared, scared that hwa-young may reject her, scared that hwa-young may like someone else, scared that hwa-young may not like girls, so she decided to keep it to her

The both of them are now here at the café, soon after when asami arrive, it started raining but hwa-young didn't arrived she was worried about her, but later after a few minutes hwa-young arrive, she had an umbrella but still she was a little wet, she look around and saw asami waiting for her at a table, she smile and went towards her"hi, did I make you wait for so long?"she ask while sitting in front of her"no, no, I also just arrived a few minutes ago"asami replies, hwa-young nod, "umm, did you order anything?" She ask, asami shook her head "no, I haven't I was waiting for you" Asami replies, hwa-young nod, than took the menu"so than let's order"asami nids her head and than they order some drinks and spend the whole time their, after the rains stop, they decided to go to the prak where they went that night, it was peaceful and quiet as much people wasn't their

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