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Fulf, contains curse word

A story idea/request from Joy_reveluv_Bunny

3rd person pov

It was schools first day after summer break and things were going great, until lunch"asa-yah, can i have lunch with you pls?"ask lia to asa, who was sitting with her friends ona table, was laughing about some jokes that ruka made"umm"she looks at her friends like she was asking for permission which she was, and her friends nod"yes"she replies and lias smile widens "thanks" She says as she takes a seat beside asa, which made asa move, lia puts down her tray and looks at her"you look so handsome you know"lia says, kind of like trying to flirt with her, which she really was

Lia, a student at hanlim art high school, she was popular for her beauty at school, and has many people liking her, but she likes someone else, Asa, asa is the most popular football player in their school, and is liked by everyone, girls, boys, even the gays, hehe. Anyway, lia is delulu for her, and she hates dain, mostly known as rora, wanna know the reason why?,...........

Just keep reading

They were all eating but rather than lia, yep, she just stare at asa eating which actually gives asa creep, asa gulp not so gard and look at lia"why.. Umm, are you staring at me?"ask asa hesitantly "oh sorry, do i give you creeps" Lia says with a smile, and started eating her food silently, asa looks at the others and saw them shrugged their shoulders and started eating again, as well as asa.

After lunch, they all went out side of the school to their ground and decided to just sit at the bench, rora and asa were having their moment while ruka and pharita just talk, than just while they were all minding their own business, lia came and stick to asa"asa-yah, let's go and play tennis with them"lia says as she points at the students who were playing and some shouting"umm"asa looks at rora"let's go"before asa could even speak lia pull her towards them.

"Hey I'm sorry" Asa says as she went towards rora and hug her"it's ok, not your fault"rora says as she hugs her back"are you free after school today?"ask asa as she loosen the hug a little and step back to have a better view of her"yeah I guess, if you want, yeah, you can take me out"rora says and asa chuckle"ok, than it's settle"but their was someone straing at them from a distance, lia,Rora, I'll kill you that was the thought that came to her mind while she was watching them, rora is really close to asa, but she doesn't know why?, she thinks that they are only friends, so she wanted to get close to asa, trying to make her like her, but rora is their and it's difficult for her

Lia went to her friends chaeryoung, yeji, ryujin and yuna, who were just chit chatting somewhere"yoh, lia, what's with the face?"ask yeji when lia came and sit beside her"nothing"lia says as she grab the bottle of juice from ryujin and quite it"hey that was my, never mind"ryujin says as she sigh at last"so hows everything going?"ask chaeryoung

"I don't think it's going great, that rora girl is really close to her" replies lia

"Wait you mean asa and rora, aren't they dating or something?" Yeji says and lia looks at her in shocked"what?!"lia almost shouts so loud"hey, calm down, I only knew yesterday, I heard some students saying that they're dating, and their name was, umm, oh yeah, rosa Or rorasa"yeji says

"Ughh, that's even more frustrating" Lia says as she flop her head on the table in front of them
Next day

Rora was going towards her class when lia came out of one of the room"hey, you we have to talk"lia says

"Yeah?" Ask rora

"You have to break up with asa" Lia says straightly, rorasa eyes widen, but than she laughs.

"Wow, your a good joker" Rora says

"I'm not joking, asa is mine, and if you don't break up with her, I'll hurt your friends and asa" Lia says with a smirk

"How will you hurt them?, huh?" Ask rora

"Oh, not only an injury, if I want I can kill them, even if you know that it's me, I know a way to get out" Lia says again with a smirk, and left
"Hon?, why so quiet?"asa ask rora whon was sitting quietly while spacing out" Huh?, oh nothing"rora came back to her sense, sigh heavily, than she saw a very familiar figure coming towards them"hii~~, asa"lia says as she push rora aside and sit beside asa"umm, hi, I guess"asa replies, not so sure of what to say"so, are you free today, I wanna take you out"lia asks asa"umm, yeah, iam"asa replies

"So than, let's go to my house or do you want to go somewhere else" Lia ask and suggest for asa to pick"umm, I am free but, I don't want to go lia"asa say and got up than went out, lia was frustrated she turned to rora and got up than pull rora by the hand aggressively to somewhere

"Why didn't you still break up with asa?" Ask lia

"Why would I,we both love each other, so let us just be!, I don't have a reason to break up with her!!" Rora shout at her

"Than just make up something, I told you before right?, if you don't break up with asa, I'll hurt your friends and her, and i will definitely kill you" Lia says and went out, leaving rora behind
After that happen, rora didn't talk much to asa, she also gets angry at her for no reason, asa is confuse about roras behavior, but she trys and stay patient

One day, asa saw rora with some else, she was clining on her shoulder and they were both laughing about something, asa had have enough, she went to them and pull rora away somewhere so they could talk"now will you tell me why are you like this, what did I do wrong to get all this, rora?"ask asa when they reach their destination"you did nothing wrong, it's me my problem"rora replies

"What happen, babe?, huh?, you keep ignoring me and you would just get angry at me for no reason" Asa says as she reach for roras hand"pls tell me"asa adds

"I,....wanna,.......break up asa" Rora says shocking asa who step back "no your joking, no you don't" Asa says

"I wanna break up asa, Im sorry" Rora says again

"But why?, what did I do wrong?" Asa ask her, who stays quiet without saying nothing"rora, pla, no don't"begs asa

"I'm sorry, but i want to break up" Rora says as she runs away from their, leaving asa who broke down in tears

To be continue
(Because I'm lazy as f-ck, bye)

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