Only one#3

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Everyone was amazed by how beautiful the place was, they could see the whole city from up their, they sat at the near by nech and just enjoy the view and the frash air, asa and rora were seated together, asa sneakily held roras hand and cares it softly"how do you feel now?"asa ask

"I'm feeling fine thank you so much for helping me out asa, I don't know what I would have done without you, thank you for being my friend" Rora replies and smile as sweet as possible to asa

"It's nothing, rora, by the way how did you knew this place?"asa ask

" When I ran away from my house when my father was about to beat me up?, yeah,I just ran in the forest and came upon this place, and now it's my favorite place to come, and also my secret place, I come her every morning, or when I'm really sad"rora said and before she continue she sigh

"I also sometimes look up at the sky and talk, like I'm talking to someone, my mom" Rora adds, asa look at her dearly

"Rora,you don't need to be sad or you don't have to worry about anything anymore, I'm right here and besides, my friends they can be you friends too" Asa said

"Your friends as my friends?, well, I would love to" Rora replies with a happy tone

"No need to worry about anything anymore,ok?, from now on I'll be right beside you" Asa gave her a smile and rora smile backs

"Yoh, you both, want to order some food or go to the restaurant?" Ruka ask them

"I don't think, if you order it can reach here" Rora said

"So than, let's just say the location somewhere else will go and get it, than comeback here" Pharita said

"I know where you can tell the location" Rora said

"Your a very experience one" Ahyeon said, and rora chuckle

"Hand me the phone, tell me what you want I'll order" Rora said as she went near ruka and get the phone than order

After a few hours of waiting, they got a call, it was the food that they order, pharita and ruka, went to get the food while the others stay,rora sit at the edge, and asa also sit beside her and rest her head on roras shoulder "why so obsessed with me?" Rora ask, asa laugh"not obsessed,I just want to be beside you and don't want you to feel lonely"asa replies, rora nods and they stay silent"we're ba-, hey you both, why are you so obsessed with each other, when you just met, already feeling something for each other or what?"ruka tease them, which made them blush"I'm just kidding come let's eat, I'm starving"ruka said, they all sat at one place at the grass, rora and asa joins and they all enjoyed each other's company

This was the best feeling rora had ever felt, she was always sad, depressed and all, but it was like God was giving her a gift for once in a while,she doesn't know if asa would really stay but she was happy she had a friend who understand her so much, she was happy she atleast had a friend whom she can relay on, she was happy she had someone who would comfort her when she was sad, a shoulder to cry on, the both of them never got seperate,they were inseparable, rora didn't hide her sadness and her real behavior if she didn't had bullies and had good friends, she showed her real side her true happy side only to asa and her friends,asa and her friends motivated rora on everything,grades got up and she never ever fail a single class now, those who use to disturbed her stop it, but jake and his gang are still always trying to find a way to disturb her but they couldn't have rora alone, asa is always beside her, this went on for a long time,no one notice that a month had past now,
1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

than 5,than 6,and finally 7

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