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"Feeling bored?" Lisa asked, noticing the way Jisoo absentmindedly swirled her drink.

"I never thought there’d be this many drunkards in masks. I expected people to behave better," Jisoo muttered.

"Well, you did come to a hotel bar on a Saturday night," Jennie said, sighing. "It’s impossible to avoid people acting like themselves, even if they don’t know celebrities are hiding behind the masks."

Jisoo started to ask if they had seen anyone suspicious, but Jennie cut her off. "There might be, but they’re all wearing masks. And I couldn’t exactly pull the guest list—it’s confidential." She smiled knowingly at Jisoo. Jennie understood that Jisoo needed time to adjust. She wasn’t an introvert, but she valued her space, especially in a public setting like this.

Jennie grabbed Lisa's hand and pulled her to the dance floor, leaving Jisoo alone at the bar. Jisoo smiled faintly as she watched them. Jennie would always be her favorite, the wild, untamable spirit that balanced her calm.

She turned to the bartender and asked for a glass of wine. The bartender paused for a moment, eyeing her carefully before preparing the drink. Jisoo hoped he hadn’t recognized her. Between her black bodycon dress and the blue fur coat draped over her shoulders, her identity should be safe, but the bartender's hesitation made her uneasy.

After finishing her wine, she slipped away to the washroom to fix her makeup. It was in a dark hallway on the first floor, far from the bustling bar.

That’s when things took a sharp turn.

"Ma'am, please hold this," a man said, shoving a small, black-wrapped packet into her hands before sprinting down the hallway.

Jisoo stared at the packet, her heart racing. It was wrapped in black polythene, and she had no idea what was inside. Before she could think of tossing it away, chaos erupted.

"Halt! Seoul Police! Raise your hands where we can see them!" a voice boomed, filling the narrow hallway.

Jisoo immediately raised her hands, the packet still in her grip. She knew panicking would only make things worse.

"Sir, we’ve got a lady here, but the man’s gone!" an officer called to someone behind him.

"No way," a familiar voice gasped. "Jisoo?"

Cha Eun Woo emerged from the group of officers, his face etched with disbelief as he approached her.

"What are you doing here?" Jisoo hissed, trying to keep her composure.

"I should be asking you the same thing. What the hell are you holding?" He grabbed the packet from her hands, his face twisting in shock as he realized what it could be. "Do you have any idea how dangerous this place is?"

Jisoo remained silent, her eyes drifting to the window.

"What? What is it?" Cha Eun Woo asked, growing anxious as he followed her gaze.

"Is that...?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

A bloody handprint smeared across the windowpane caught their attention, glowing faintly in the dim light. As Cha Eun Woo dropped the packet in shock, a metallic clink echoed in the hallway—a bloody knife had tumbled out of the black wrapping, landing with a chilling finality on the floor.

Jisoo froze. The pieces were falling into place, and none of it looked good for her.

 The pieces were falling into place, and none of it looked good for her

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