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"Okay, just one more shot." I say to Ava as she orders two more lemon drops.

After one hell of a workweek, alcohol seems pretty necessary. Ava hands me the pastel yellow concoction, a slice of lemon and a packet of sugar. She lifts her shot glass up to cheers and I follow.

"To two single ladies in Philly," she says as I start to smile. "May we stay funny, find ourselves a honey and never have to spend our own money."

I laugh as I touch my glass to hers. The sugar coated lemon comes after and we both place the lemon slices in the empty glasses.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Ava asks with a smirk, lifting her eyebrow. I turn around to scan the room, looking at all the eligible bachelors, but they all look the same. They're all sporting the usual business attire, slicked back hair and some sort of craft beer in hand. I turn back around and consider taking one more shot.

Ava has been trying to set me up with guys for months. I love that she cares about me so much, but there are only so many boring dinners with boring accountants that I can handle.

"Oh, come on, Em!" Ava looks at me in disappointment as she tries to get her short, brown hair out of her face. "There's not one guy here you would consider talking to?"

I shake my head.

"I'm just not into the corporate robot thing."

She glares at me and I glare back. I distract myself to the liquor shelf behind the bar, hoping to flag down a bartender so I can get out of this conversation.

Before I'm able to get anyone's attention, I hear a shriek behind me. I turn back around to see my other coworkers, Gwen and Paige, screaming bloody murder at the sight of Ava and I. They try their best to run towards us in their sky-high heels, but it ends up taking longer than if they would just walk. Hugs are exchanged and, before I know it, the drinks start flowing.

The girls have managed to flag down some of the shallow business types, which is great for the free drinks, but not so great for the forced conversation. One of the robots starts talking to me and I instantly wish I were somewhere else. I smile and nod, trying to be polite, but in my head I'm looking for an escape.

I look over at Paige who's already getting all touchy-feely with robot #1. I try my best not to roll my eyes, but at this point it's more of a reflex.

"So what's your deal?" I look back over to see that the guy is still talking to me. I look at him confused and he leans in closer.

"You sit there, lookin' all serious, trying not to seem interested when we all know the truth." He stares at me and smirks.

"...And what would that be?" I ask him as I tilt my head, completely aware of where this is going.

He leans in even closer and puts his hand on my thigh.

"You don't need to play games. I know you're into me." He tries to move his hand further up my thigh when I look down, grab one of his fingers and twist it back as far as I can. He looks like he's in pain, but I keep his finger twisted and pull him in closer to me.

"So let me get this straight," I begin to say to him, fully enjoying the look of pain on his face. "You think that buying me a drink or two equates to me being interested? Not only that, but you also think that my 'apparent' interest automatically means that you can put your hands on me?"

He tries to get me to ease up on my grip, but I squeeze tighter.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I'm not that kind of girl. So why don't you and your blazer go join the other equally charming gentlemen over there before I make you regret staying." I smile and gesture over to the rest of the desperate men in suits before turning back around to face the bar. I don't hear any more from him, so I assume that he followed my instructions.

I let out a sigh and stir my drink with my straw. Before I can bug Ava to get the hell out of here, someone's arm brushes mine and I glance over, completely surprised with what I see.


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-A xx

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