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Harry's tongue invades my mouth as he grabs the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head. I do the same to him and place my hands on his stomach, admiring his muscles while trying to get my Converse off my feet. His hands move up to my hair as he tugs gently, making me tilt my head back. His mouth leaves mine as he travels down my neck and to my collar bone. A moan escapes my lips as he sucks gently, his hands leaving my hair and resting on my hips. His warm touch on my cold skin sends shivers down my spine. Before my knees completely give out on me, I push him forward and lead him into my bedroom. Thankfully, I haven't moved my furniture around since we last tried to weave our way to my room, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

The air shifts as Harry lays down on my bed and I climb on top of him. Moving in slow motion, I reach around to unclasp my bra, never taking my eyes off of him. His mouth parts open slightly like he wants to say something, but I quickly stop him by kissing him again. My hips start grinding with his as he runs his hands up my back. I sink my fingers into his still damp hair, taking my lips off of his and staring into his perfect green eyes. Our breathing increases as we watch each other, the moon giving us the perfect amount of light. His hands slowly move down to my hips, but they stop before going any further.

"Emma..." He says slowly. Usually when he says my name this way, it's before he's about to turn me down, but this time it's different. The air is different, his kiss is different, his eyes are different, it's all the same but it's not.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

He sounds nervous, almost as if he's afraid I'm going to say no. I watch him for a second, admiring his perfect eyes and perfect lips and perfect everything without realizing that the corners of my mouth are starting to turn up.

"What?" He asks, trying to pry his way into my thoughts.

I shake my head slightly before leaning in slowly and kissing him gently. I pull away and look at him once again.

"You're always going to be what I want." I whisper.

To be honest, I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life.

Harry smiles at me. It's a real smile, the most genuine smile I've seen in a long time. He puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me, then completely takes me by surprise by picking me up and tossing me off of him and onto the bed. I let out a squeal as my head hits the mattress, which is followed by a laugh when he jumps on top of me, pulling the covers over both of us and crashing his lips into mine once again.


I rest my hand on Harry's chest, watching it rise and fall while he sleeps. The rain has slowed down, but I can still hear the faint tapping on my window. I tilt my head up to look at him, his face still slightly lit up by the moonlight. I know everyone looks cute when they're asleep--well, most people--but trust me when I say he looks better. His hair has become a complete mess and fallen in front of his eyes, so I reach up to push it to the side. My hand stays there for a moment, playing with his hair before moving down to feel the smoothness of his cheeks and the fullness of his lips. My touch must have woken him up, because I see a faint smile cross his lips before he wraps his arm tighter around my body to pull me closer. I move my hand back down to his chest and rest my head back into that perfect spot between his chest and his shoulder and fall asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat.


The sun warms my eyelids and I squeeze them tight, not wanting to see the world just yet. My blanket comes over my head as I stretch and roll over, facing away from my window. I slowly open my eyes under the blanket before peeking my head out and adjusting to the light. The smell of coffee fills the room, as does my memory of the night before.

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