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One year later


I can feel my feet falling asleep as I lay on one of the hammocks in Spruce Street Harbor Park. The breeze from the water feels good on my face as I read my book, feeling totally relaxed.

God, I love it here.

The hanging lights turn on as the sun just starts to set, giving me an even better, yet colorful light for me to use to read my book. The dinner crowd has begun to rush in and I stop reading for a moment to watch them, some hurrying to get into the restaurants before anyone else and others taking their time, enjoying the lights and the beautiful July weather.

This place always makes me smile, still feeling like it's my place to escape the world as well as feeling
like it holds such an importance to Harry and I. This is essentially where we began, well, if you don't count the official night we met, which is something I try not to think about.

It's been one hell of a journey with Harry, falling together so quickly then falling apart even quicker, only to fall back together again and become stronger and better than ever. We've had our fair share of fights over the past year, don't get me wrong, but the good most certainly outweighs the bad and I can honestly say that I would rather live with a thousand bad days than have to go a single second without him.

He's more than I could've ever imagined, and I couldn't be happier.

"You know," Harry says, pulling me away from my daydream. "You're going to hurt your eyes if you keep reading in this light."

I close my book and shift my body so I can nuzzle closer into him in this hammock that we're sharing.

"You know," I begin with a smirk. "You're going to lose that brain of yours if you don't start reading more often." I tap his head, causing him to grab my hand so I'm unable to defend myself while he tickles me.

"Harry, stop! We're going to fall!" He laughs while I squirm, feeling slightly nervous at the thought of this ting tipping over and knocking us both to the ground. When he eventually stops, I playfully swat him in the chest and he grabs my hand again, this time to weave his fingers with mine.

"We should probably get going before it gets too dark," he says, running his thumb along mine.

"Do we have to?" I whine, closing my eyes and snuggling even closer.

He kisses my forehead before sitting up and carefully getting himself out of the hammock, helping me out moments later. I frown while he gathers our things and begins to walk away. He stops walking when he realizes I'm not right behind him, turning around and extending his hand.

"Coming, love?" He asks with a smile.

I sigh, nodding and grabbing his hand despite wanting to stay here forever.

"You can come back any time you want, Em. That's why we got the apartment so close, remember?"

I nod, smiling at his words while we continue walking through the park towards our apartment, our new home.

"However, we should probably stop spending so much time here until we're fully unpacked, okay?"

I laugh, realizing that we've been moved in for almost a month and still have an endless amount of boxes to go through.

"Okay," I say, watching him look down at me with a smile, the hanging lights overhead covering him in a beautiful shade of blue.

We leave the park, our hands connected as we walk down the busy city streets, not having a single clue where our future is headed, but ready to face whatever may come, together.




Guys...GUYS. I finished my first book.

This is absolutely insane and amazing and I have no clue where to go from here but let me just tell you that I am so overwhelmed with happiness right now, it's insane!

I want to thank you all so unbelievably much for reading my story and being so kind to it. Being my first ever completed book, I feel a strong personal connection with this story and these characters and the fact that you've all been so nice and supportive absolutely means the world to me.

Gahh, I can't believe it's over!

I love you all so very much, and can't wait to see what you think about my next writing adventures :)



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