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Harry: Haha well, that was easy. See you in a bit. ;) xx

I let out a sigh, place my phone on my stomach and stare at the ceiling with a stupid smile on my face. When reality finally sets in, my eyes widen and smile quickly fades.

"Oh my god he's coming over!" I say out loud in a panic as I jump to my feet and run to my bedroom while simultaneously ripping my clothes off. I throw my old, worn sweats in the hamper and try to find the cutest comfortable clothes I can find. I want to look good for him, but let's be real here, I'm not sacrificing my comfort for anyone.

I end up picking teal and white striped cotton shorts and a plain white V-neck shirt. As soon as I'm able to throw them on, I shuffle over to the bathroom to make sure what little bit of makeup I still have on from this morning isn't smeared all over my face. I run my fingers through my hair and try to give it a little more volume. With a quick spin in front of the mirror, I'm pretty satisfied with my new and improved cozy self.

I take a little walk around the apartment to make sure nothing embarrassing is out for the world to see and thankfully the only thing I seem to find is the absolute garbage TV show that I'm watching. I quickly switch it off before I hear a knock at the door.

That was fast.

When I open the door, I'm beyond surprised to see a very familiar pair of pink pants in front of me.

"Move it, bitch. I need to use your TV." Jeremy storms past me and throws himself on the couch. My mouth can't seem so catch up with my head as I stand there in shock. I quickly snap out of it and walk towards him.

"N- No, Jeremy. You need to go." I say as I grab his arms and try to hurry him out the door. He just looks at me in disgust.

"Um, no? My TV isn't working and I need to catch up on Vanderpump Rules!" He says, clearly annoyed that I didn't already know that.

"Jeremy, you don't understand. Someone is coming over and you can't-" Jeremy's eyes widen and he cuts me off.

"Oh my god! He's coming here? Like now? Oh, there's no way I'm leaving!" He sits back on the couch and crosses one leg over the other. If this were any other situation I would probably laugh, but right now my irritation is starting to grow. I glare at him and silently try my best to get the point across that I don't want him here. Jeremy rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh.

"Ugh, fine. I guess I'll leave you two alone. But I better get details first thing in the morning or so help me god I will cut you." I let out a chuckle as I nod and shuffle him to the door. When I open it, I see Harry walking towards us and panic instantly sets in. I look over at Jeremy who is grabbing an imaginary pair of glasses and tilting his head down.

"Well, hello gorgeous." He says as he leans against the doorframe. I try so much to hide my embarrassment but I know it's written all over my face. I close my eyes, trying to escape this moment, but I know they will both still be there when I open them.

"I will see you tomorrow, Jeremy." I gently push him out of the doorway. He keeps his eyes on Harry and, as soon as he passes him, he turns around to look at me and mouths 'Oh my god. So cute!' before making his way down the stairs. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I watch him disappear. I look back at Harry who is beyond confused.

He points his thumb towards the stairs then looks back at me.

"Oh," I begin to say with a nervous laugh, "that's nobody. Come in." I smile stand next to the open door and wait for him to walk inside.

He walks in slowly and scans the room, probably looking for any more surprises to pop up out of nowhere. I close the door and make my way over to the couch.

"It looks a lot different in here with the lights on," Harry says with a smirk. My cheeks start to flush at the though of the night we met.

He stands in the middle of the room and looks at me with his hands in his pockets before I pat the couch cushion next to me and he joins me. I pull my knees up to my chest and grab the remote.

"Favorite movie genre. Go." I point to him and he takes a second to think.

"Um. Let's go with comedy." He decides and I scan through my pre-recorded movie selections.

We end up going with Crazy, Stupid, Love which I've actually never seen. I've been meaning to watch it for the longest time, but never got around to it. My attention is instantly grabbed when Ryan Gosling shows up on the screen.

The movie is absolutely hilarious. We spend majority of the time laughing and every time I do, I catch Harry looking at me out of the corner my eye. I know he can tell that I notice him looking because every time he does I get shy and rest my head on my knees and bring them even closer to my chest. Sometimes I feel like the most confident woman in the world when he's around, but when he catches me in a vulnerable spot I get nervous and tense up. I know he enjoys seeing that vulnerability in me just like I enjoy seeing it in him, but for my own sake and the probable heartbreak in my future I hesitate to let those walls down completely.

It isn't until the credits start rolling that I realize we haven't said much of anything the entire time he's been here. It was kind of nice though. To be honest, just having him in the same general area is enough to keep my heart content. I stay quiet and keep my eyes on the names scrolling on the screen, waiting for him to make the next move.

"Well, I guess I should be going." He begins to say and my subconscious screams.

What? No! You can't leave! Not yet anyways!

I go into full on panic mode. I keep my eyes on the screen, but inside I am trying my hardest to think of a way to make him stay.

Think, girl. Think.

Harry goes to stand up and instead of using my words, I lunge towards him and kiss him more passionately and desperately than I've ever kissed anyone in my life.

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