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"Girl, he's got it bad." Jeremy adds, distracting me from the card and the massive smile on my face.

"What do you mean?" I ask nonchalantly, but my flushed cheeks say otherwise.

"Look at all of these flowers!" He spins around, pointing to the bouquets that have even invaded his and Ava's desks. I run my hands through my hair and sit back down in my chair while letting out a deep sigh.

"I think someone else has it bad," Ava adds quietly, pointing to me. I look up to see her and Jeremy standing over me, studying my facial expression.

"Ugh!" Before I can think of anything else to say, my cheeks go from a normal shade of red to bright crimson and I hide my face in my hands. I hear giggles coming from the other two, but I don't dare look up at them.

"You have to call him." Jeremy adds, interrupting my minor freak out. The thought of hearing his voice right now makes me instantly nervous.

"Uh...maybe I'll just text him." I spin around to grab my phone before they both spin my chair back around so I can face them.

"Bitch, you just got a freaking garden sent to you and you think a text is all he should get?" Jeremy stares at me, almost in disgust. I know he's right, but I don't want these two nosy people invading my phone conversation. I look around at the flowers and sigh, knowing that a text definitely isn't going to cut it.

"Ugh, fine. But what if he doesn't answer?"

"Then you hunt him down and jump on hi--Oh, wait. That plan already crashed and burned." Jeremy says looking up to the ceiling in thought with his finger on his mouth.

"Jeremy, I swear to god I will--" My words are interrupted by a shushing sound coming from his mouth and his hand an inch from my face.

"I'm thinking here! Wait, why am I wasting my time on this? Just fucking call him!"

I shoot him a harsh glare before I turn back around and look down at my phone, searching for his name in my contacts.

The ringing seems like it goes on forever, and the more it rings, the more nervous I get. Why is it that he makes me so nervous? I've already kissed him, so it's not like I have to be worried about that. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but he gets a reaction out of me that I honestly didn't think I was capable of having.

I can feel the eyes of my two friends beating down on me in anticipation, which certainly doesn't help the nerves. Before I can turn around and tell them to go away, a familiar voice echoes in my ear and my heart stops.

"I was wondering if I would hear from you today, miss Emma." I can almost hear the smile on Harry's face, so of course I'm grinning like an idiot.

"Well, I figured I would call to tell you that I'm now the talk of the office and it is quite embarrassing." I say with a giggle. I turn around to see Jeremy and Ava grinning like kids at Christmas and I wave my arms to get them to disappear.

"Ah, so you got my flowers?" He asks after chuckling.

"I did. They're beautiful. You really didn't have to do that." I can't help but smile and I know Jeremy and Ava are enjoying every second of this. I turn around to see that they haven't moved despite my previous request. God, why didn't I go outside to make this call?

"Hey, it's the least I could do since you've been stuck hanging out with me so much." Harry laughs and all I can picture is his beautifully crooked smile.

"Well, thank you. I love them." I say nervously as I pick up the card he wrote and twirl it around with my fingers.

"You are more than welcome. Are you doing anything later?" He asks and at this point my cheeks are starting to hurt from my endless smile.

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