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The weather is exceptionally gorgeous as Harry and I walk down the busy city street, our fingers intertwined as we try to weave through the crowds. The sun has begun to set, leaving the most beautiful, warm hues over the tall buildings that surround us. A few rooftop bars have begun to turn their lights on, making some of the shorter buildings look like they have fireflies dancing above them. It's picturesque, really; the sun, the city, the guy I'm walking next to, all of it.

I look over at Harry, admiring the way the sun hits his skin, giving him a glow that is making him look more perfect than he usually does, if that's even possible. When he finally notices me looking at him, he looks back and smiles his usual, gorgeous, comforting smile that sends a wave of warmth right through me.

"So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask him, watching the way his eyes squint just slightly as his smile widens.

"Now, what would be the fun in that?" he replies. I roll my eyes with a smile and continue along with him down the sidewalk.

We pass Annie's, the place we met for breakfast to go over stuff for the wedding, which didn't happen at all. I chuckle at the memories from that day; my indecisiveness on spending time with him, taking him to my favorite place, my indecisiveness fading as we spent the entire day together, kissing under the hanging lights in the park. It would've been perfect, absolutely fucking perfect if it weren't for Chloe and Ben waltzing in to ruin everything.

Thanks so much, sis.

We continue walking down the street, my confusion growing as we get farther away from the city and closer to the Delaware River. The crowds die down, as does the traffic as he leads me towards wherever it is we're going. A chuckle escapes his lips as he notices me frantically looking around, trying to find clues as to where we're headed.

"Will you calm down, please? This isn't a murder mystery, Em. It's just a date." He squeezes my hand and slows down, turning towards me and taking a step closer. I inhale a sharp breath, unsure of why I'm so nervous. I watch as the green in Harry's eyes darkens when he steps out of the suns rays, making them look a lot more intense than they were before.

"However," he begins, stepping even closer so he can tower over me. I look up at him, my nerves flying around in a thousand directions. "We could make things a little more interesting."

I can feel my heart trying to jump out of my chest as he closes the gap between us, moving his hand up to the back of my neck and pressing his hips against mine as I stand like a stone, completely frozen as if I'm under his spell.

"Close your eyes," he whispers into my ear, kissing the skin just underneath it and almost making me moan out loud in front of everyone walking past us. I obey his request and close my eyes, my other senses coming to life as I feel him all around me. He continues to kiss my neck and I turn my head, almost forgetting for a moment that we're outside, in the middle of a busy city. His hands leave my skin for a moment, and when they return I'm beyond confused as they sneak up to the back of my head, and a cloth-like material rests on my eyes. I can feel him tying the fabric and I open my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness.

"Uh, Harry?" I ask, probably too quickly. He chuckles slightly as he finishes tying the material and pats my shoulders.

"Much better. Now, no peeking."

I groan. "You have got to be kidding me."

His laugh grows and he leans in to kiss my cheek. "Calm down, love. Just trust me."

I can feel him shuffling behind me as he holds onto my shoulders, leading me down the street and probably past hundreds of people that are finding us amusing. I try reaching my arms out to see if I can feel something, but Harry grabs onto them to put them back down.

"Relax, Em. I've got you."

I sigh, knowing that there's no way he's letting me have any control over tonight. We keep walking, him giving me instructions on when to step down or step up, gently moving me to the right or left to avoid running into something or someone. My frustration grows, as does his amusement until he finally pulls back on my shoulders to get me to stop. I can feel the warmth of his breath as he leans in to my ear.

"Ready?" he asks. I nod my head, ready to see wherever we are, but also ready to finally be able to look into his eyes again.

His hands leave my shoulders as he moves around to face me. I wait patiently as he unties the fabric, taking it off and finally giving me a chance to look around.

It's all so familiar.

The water, the hammocks connecting every tree, the hanging lights; he's taken me to Spruce Street Harbor Park.

The place where we spent the day together.

The place where we kissed under the lights.

My favorite place.

It isn't until I look up at him that I notice him watching me, studying my every move as I realize where we are.

"I didn't tell you when you took me here before," he pauses to grab my hand. "But this is where I used to go when I was in school to clear my head. It's been my favorite place for years."

I remember him laughing as we walked into the park that first day, and I remember him not telling me why he was laughing. It's all so clear to me now.

I truly believe that fate has brought us together. Our hearts were broken on the same day, at the same party, by two people whom we both trusted with all we had. We were asked to be in the same wedding, with similar titles on opposite sides by two people who we call family, despite Harry and Ben not being related by blood. And now, here we are, standing in a place that gives us both a sense of comfort and peace in a city that is so rushed and busy. Our favorite place.

I can't take it anymore. The intense feeling in my heart and the thoughts swirling around in my head makes me feel like I'm about to explode. After everything that happened in my past, I was content being on my own. I just assumed that my life was supposed to be spent without anyone by my side, and that was okay with me. But now, looking at Harry, this absolutely incredible human being who I now know came into my life on purpose, I realize that I never wanted to be alone at all.

And I'm in love with him.

I'm absolutely in love with him.

The hanging lights turn on overhead, covering us with a brilliant purple light and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close and pressing my lips against his, making him aware of just how much he means to me.















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