Chapter 2: Amendments

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I saw her. In the battlefield. I couldn't contemplate what was happening. We met after so many years, just to be under such ugly circumstances. What sins I might've committed that I met both of my best friends in a war, against them. God! You've truly crossed your limits in embarassing me and ruining my friendships.

First I had to fight her twin, my best friend, Prince Jayadev. And then she bumped into me, twice. Ugghhhh! I hate this situation. All these because of my brother - The great heir of Kapila kingdom, Prince Achyuta. Why did he even want this war in the first place? Despite knowing our alliance with the Āyasa Kingdom, he pulled this nasty move. I cannot afford losing two of my precious friends against his political tactics. I have to do something.

I leave my chamber after a lot of contemplation. I make my way through the corridors of the palace to the royal assembly being held by the king. I had decided not to participate in it to show my dissent regarding the latest war. But given the circumstances, I had to intervene the assembly. I reach the part where assembly is being held.

The king is seated on his throne. Achyuta is just beside him, on the position of the heir. I cannot spot Aniruddha anywhere. What can I expect? He must be busy swaying some other princess. All the other ministers are on their seat. The senapati (chief commander) is standing in front of the king.

"Present her in front of the assembly, senapati." Father says with a victorious smile on his face.

My heart skipped a beat. Present who? Aparajita? No, no, no. This can't be happening. Her father really sold her off? And Achyuta agreed to it? I thought he was more thoughtful than that. How could he do it to some girl without her consent. She is not her father's nor his property. She is a living person with opinions. I had to get my head straight if I wanted to help her.

After a few moments of deadly silence, I see her entering the hall. I wish I was wrong. I wish my assumptions were incorrect. But it was indeed her. She was adorned with the most expensive ornaments. Morons. They decked her up with jewellery as if she was some sort of gift to be decorated. Her face was covered with a thin viel. But I could clearly see through it. Her expression was.... Murderous. She had something on her mind. Thank god Vishnu she has not yet lost her hope. She is accompanied by her friend, Kamakshi and Aniruddha. So he was with her all this time. Explains her murderous expression.

Aniruddha and Kamakshi stops as soon as they enter the assembly. They allow Aparajita to make her way towards the throne. She walks past me and stops for a brief moment. Her eyes locked with mine. At that very moment I see something shift in her eyes. Betrayal. That's what she wants to tell me. She thinks I betrayed her. I knew I had to face this.

She reaches the throne and stops below it, where the stairs start.

"Lift your viel, princess." Father says in a commanding tone.

"Forgive me king, I will lift my veil only in front of my to-be husband." She says confidently yet respectfully.

The assembly filled with whispers. A proud smile spread across my face as I heard her. She knew her worth and respect and I admired that.

"Very well princess, I like your confidence. You've managed to impress me." Father says laughing like she was a child. "Since you impressed me, I would like to reward you. Ask for whatever you want." He adds

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