Chapter 5 : Secrets

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I wake up in my chamber. My vision is still blur. I see Kamakshi sitting beside me on my bed. She helps me to sit up. I see that both Abhaya and Aniruddha are also in my chamber, sitting on the stool near the balcony. As soon as I wake up, they hurry their way towards me.

"Are you feeling well? Should I call the Rajvaid (Royal doctor)?" Abhaya asks looking concerned.

"No, I am alright, I think I just needed some rest." I say glancing towards Aniruddha.

"आपको अपने स्वास्थ का ध्यान रखना चाहिए, सखी." Aniruddha says smiling.

(You should take care of your health, friend. {सखी=Female friend})

"I certainly will." I reply.

After some random questions and answers, both of them leave my chamber, so that I could rest. But I certainly didn't plan to do so.

"Who brought me here?" I ask Kamakshi.

"Rajkumari, you fainted in the arms of Rajkumar Achyuta. He brought you here and left." She replies.

I scoff. What a man. He wants to marry me and wants me to only think of him. When he doesn't even care of my well being. Heartless.

"From how long I've been unconcious?" I ask.

"Rajkumari, it's the next day. You've slept whole night and whole morning. It's afternoon now." She says, drawing her eyebrows together.

Wait what? I've been unconscious for such long? Come to think of it, it made sense. The clothes of Kamakshi, Abhaya and Aniruddha had changed. They were different from what I last remember.

"You should have your lunch, Rajkumari." Kamakshi says pointing towards a plate kept on the table.

I nod, stand up and sit on the stool to eat my lunch. I gesture her to join me. Never from what I remember, she has eaten her meal before me. And I am sure she had skipped hr dinner and breakfast just because I did not eat. She comes and join me. We both eat in silence. Once we've eaten, she leaves to keep the plates in the kitchen. She returns after some time.

"I want to take a look around the palace. You don't need to accompany me. I will come back and take a bath. So prepare everything till I am back." I say to Kamakshi.

"Yes Rajkumari." She says bowing her head.

I leave the chamber. Unconsciously, I start walking towards Abhaya's chamber. I can't stop thinking about the look he gave me when I first came to the assembly. Suddenly, I hear some noises coming out of one room. I go closer to that I can hear better.

"But she wants a swayamvar." I hear a voice. I immediately recognise it. It's the voice of the King. King Madhavdev.

"But that boy has waited long enough for her. We cannot ruin his chances, his longings this time. It's been more than 1000 years. He took 7 births solely for her." I hear the other voice. I can't recognise the voice.

"But Guruji..." Suddenly I feel a hand wrapping my waist. I get shocked and turn around to see who it is. Achyuta.

"Spying on the king, my little princess?" He whispers in my ears.

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