Chapter 10 : Hopes (Part 2)

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Let's sit down." I say after I am contended with all the books I chose.

"Are you sure you don't want to explore more options now?" Achyuta asks from behind a pile of books in his hands.

"No, this should be enough. Here let me help you." I say taking one book from the pile.

"Wow. That's a great help. Thank you so much, Rajkumari." He says peeking from behind the books.

I chuckle. We're on the second floor of this study cum library. I am sure climbing down will be quite of an adventure for him. I start descending the stairs without seeing if he's following. He follows me without any difficulty. A part of me knew he would do it. Afterall he's the greatest warrior of Aryavart, this should be nothing for him.

"You thought I won't be able to handle it huh?" He says placing the books on the table. "Well this thing is nothing compared to the ugliest wars I've fought and the most ferocious animals I've faced." He adds.

After the palace is asleep, I leave the study. We read and discussed a bunch of books. And I didn't get the time to ask for the wish for which I had initially intended to meet him. But that's okay, I learnt quite a few things about him today and also booked his time for tomorrow. I quietly make move towards my chamber. Everyone in the palace is already asleep.

I meet a few guards and maids on my way. They're probably on their duties. Finally I reach my chamber. Kamakshi is waiting outside the door for me. As soon as se sees me, her face lightens up and she opens the door. I enter the room smiling at her. She enters after me. I see the letter maid delivered today morning on the table.

"Kamakshi, will you please open that letter and read aloud for me?" I say searching for a comfortable saree in my closet. I hate to sleep in these 10 kilo sarees and all jewellery. She opens the seal and withdraws a yellow sheet of paper from it. It was only then that I notice that the letter was sealed with Āyasa's seal. I take a seat on the nearby stool, preparing myself for a potential setback.

"It's from you twin brother." She says.

"Aparajita, please forgive me if you can. I know I have done nothing for you when father was selling you off. His brain was clouded by the desire to live but none of your brothers including me could protect you. I deeply apologize for the grave sin we've committed.
Today, I wanted to discuss something very important with you. I wished to do it personally but the circumstances wouldn't permit us to do so.
I've been exchanging letters with Abhaya for a while now. We've come up with a plan for safely escorting you out of Kapila before your swayamvar. He's offered to help us as much as he can. And knowing your nature, I am sure you have also devised a plan by now. So I am writing this letter to let you know about Abhaya's accomplice with us. Make sure to discuss your plan with him so that we can work together. Don't write anything to Āyasa. Exchanging letters will be only done between me and Abhaya.
I hope you will trust us and let us help you out of the kingdom.
Your brother, Jayadev."

Tears stream down from my eyes blurring my vision. It's been ages since I heard something comforting and soothing. I finally have someone in this palace who I can share my pains and plans with. Part of me still trusted my brothers. And Jayadev proved me right today. I look at Kamakshi with tearful face. She's also on the verge of crying. I am not the only one who's suffering in this hell, she is suffering alongside me. I ought to protect her.

She moves towards me with the letter still in her hand. She takes me in her embrace while I let all the tears and fears out of me.

"Let's sleep, Rajkumari. You've done more than enough for today." She says caressing my hair. During times like these, she's been like my elder sister, always. She's been my constant family from the very beginning. I nod in her embrace.

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