Chapter 1: Beginning of Destruction

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"You must stay in your chamber. Don't dare to defy my order. Till someone from the family or any of your maids don't come to fetch you, you cannot, under any circumstances leave your chamber. Do you understand?" My father, the great king of Āyasa Kingdom says, his voice steady but with a hint of desperation.

"Yes father, I understand." I mutter, knowing that I am to defy him.

"Kamakshi, make sure you keep an eye on her." He says pointing his gaze at her, who is standing in a corner.

"Yes, Maharaj (King)." She says bowing her head.

He nods and stands there staring into the wall for some time. He takes quick long strides and reaches me. He embraces me in a warm hug. I clutch on to him tightly. After few moments of being in same position, he pushes me gently, wipes his tears and leaves without saying anything further.

I wait for his footsteps to recede. Once I am sure he's gone, I playfully smile at Kamakshi. She deciphered my intentions quickly. Her subtle expression turned into worry.

"No, Rajkumari (princess). You cannot do that, you will defy the king." She says as her eyebrows pulled up together and creases forming her forehead.

"Don't worry Kamakshi. We've done this previously. It should not be any problem now." I say calmly, hoping to convince her.

"But Rajkumari, this is the time of war. I cannot allow myself to put you in danger. Forgive me Rajkumari, I cannot help you this time." She says respectfully bowing her head.

Kamakshi has been with me since childhood. She's been my best friend, companion and maid altogether. Never once since we were 6 or something, she has refused me for anything. I knew it was a dangerous time to sneak out, but I wished to help my father and my brothers. I had to convince her.

I walk slowly towards her, "Kamakshi, please help me just this once. Please. Afterall, after the war, my swayamvar (an occasion during which a princess chooses her groom from many potential king's and princes of India) will be held and then I will depart. Then I will not ask for any favours. Please?" I say hoping for her emotional side to take over her.

"No, Rajkumari. I cannot permit that. And after your marriage, I will accompany you to your kingdom. You can ask for favours at that time." She says politely yet with the tone of firmness.

"अपको हमारी मित्रता की शपथ, हमे युद्ध मैदान में पहुंचने में सहाय करे."
(I pledge our friendship to you, help me reach the battlefield.)

Her eyes widened in disbelief. This was the first time I had pulled this trick. I hope for it to work.

"Fine, I will help you, Rajkumari. But you have to take me along and promise to return within one prahar (three hours)." She says submitting to my pleads.

My eyes glistened with her words. "Very well, I agree to your terms. I will forever remember what you've done for me." I say smiling widely.

Finally, she agreed. I can now go to the battlefield. I ought to help my father and my brothers. This is the least I could do for them as a return of them protecting me all these years. I quickly glance towards Kamakshi and she's already preparing a set of disguise for both of us. Without her on my side, I could have never been able to plan this. When she gathered everything we require, we both change into clothes of a soldier. I acquire two swords, a bow and several arrows from beneath my bed and give one sword to her. I secure the weapons on my body and covered my face with black cloth.

सौंदर्य विध्वंस का : The Beauty of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now