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Im sitting on the bathroom floor bawling my eyes out.I can barely move and all my body wants to do is scrub my self to try get the feeling of his filthy hands of my skin.

I can still feel his firm grip on my waist.And there is a small cut on the side of my head from when he slammed my head.

The water is burning my skin but at least it is burning the feeling of his touch off of me.

How could I possibly let this happen to me,when I was younger even if I tried to fight it I couldn't I was weak and I couldn't go against a fully grown man.But I know I am capable of fighting back but my body just froze and went limp and I couldn't move and try save my self.

Im so pathetic he's probably sat with his friends making jokes about it while I'm sitting here unable to move.

Someone barges into my bathroom.

"Jasmine oh my god."Mia says standing at the door in shock.

"I heard what happened."I look at her and start crying harder.

She gets in the shower and hugs me,i don't even care if I'm naked right now I just need my best friend.

Me and Mia where in the shower for a while and we were just crying. She finally got me changed and into bed.

Adam and Sebastian came back to check on me before I went to bed,Mia said she would stay with me tonight so we were both in my bed.

"Feel any better."Sebastian asks.

"Maybe in the morning."I reply and my voice cracks.

Adam just looks at me with the most sympathetic eyes,he walks over and climbs into bed with us and puts the sheets over himself .Sebastian is just standing there so I nod for him to come over,he climbs into the blanket as well and we all just lay here in silence.

I fall asleep feeling the most at home then I have since my mother.I think I fell asleep smiling,even after everything I am so lucky to have these people with me who care about me and would do anything for me,and I would in return.


I wake up and the same heat that I fell asleep with is gone.I quickly shoot up scanning my room and nobody is here.

I sigh,my head is pounding.I get up to go get pain killers.

When I walk into the kitchen everyone is sitting eating breakfast.

"Why did no one wake me up to come eat."I ask walking to the medicine cabinet.

"We wanted to let you rest."Adam speaks up.

"Stop looking at me like that."I ask starting to get frustrated.

"Like what."

"Like im not human,I'm still me just because I was raped doesn't mean I'm not Jasmine anymore."They all flinch when I say the word rape,i don't blame them it is a sensitive word and maybe I shouldn't have thrown it out there.

Yes what happened is going to haunt me forever but I can't keep letting stupid men affect my life,I'm scared but all I can do is move forward and leave it behind.I don't know how I will react when I seen Nathan walking around school but I can worry about that on Monday,I still have the weekend to get over it.

"We just wanted to go slow."Adam says.

"That's fine but doesn't mean you can't wake me up to have pancakes."I joke and only get a few chuckles,now they are to uncomfortable to even laugh.

I sigh take my pills and sit at the table,I grab a plate and enjoy my breakfast.

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