To long

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It's been an hour since I have made any interaction with a living soul.

Im to scared to talk,this Jasmine girl is really stubborn and I'm scared that if I talk she will eat me alive.

I try my best to fall asleep but the music in her ear phones it really loud and too many people are talking right now.

I take my phone out but there is no signal.

Im so bored,like I'm really bored and i need to talk I can't stay quiet any longer.Please don't eat me.

"Jasmine."I say tapping her shoulder like a child trying to get her attention.

"Yeah."she says taking one of her ear phones out.

I dont say anything and just look at her.And I don't look away,I only get a few chances to look at her directly and I'm not going to waste those chances.

"Are you ok?"she said with a confused look on her face.

"Could you turn you music down."I ask

"You don't like my music?"she asks.

"No,I like your music I just can't fall asleep with it blasting in my ear."I explain,why is she being so difficult just turn your god damn music down.

"I don't really care."she replies.

"What do you mean."I ask her confused.

"You heard me,I don't care."she says putting her earphone back in.

Whats wrong with her,you know in the bar I thought she was chill but I guess not.


2 long, boring, sleepless hours later we finally arrive at the lodge.

It beautiful,it's just before sun set and the view of the canyon is amazing,the sun shines on the water and makes it sparkle,never thought I would see such a view.

I grab my bags and walk to the foyer,i wait for my room number to get could out.

"Sebastian Clark and Jasmine Kennedy you are in room number 8."The guide says.

I lift my stuff and walk up the long stair
case,once I reach the top I hear Jasmines small footsteps behind me.

"Need help with your bag?"I ask politely,and she just tusks at me.

What's her problem,did her parents not teach her manners.

She pushes past me and walks to the room.

"What the fuck!"I hear her say when she opens the door.

"What's wrong?" I say looking over her shoulder to see what the problem is.

"There only one bed!"She says,she throws her bag on the bed and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I will definitely not be sharing with you."she implies.

"Then sleep on the floor!"I say pointing at the fluffy rug on the floor.

"As if,I'm not sleeping on the floor you can sleep on the floor."she's starting to get pissed of I can hear it in her voice.

"There's enough room on the bed for both of us,we can put pillows in between us?"I suggest.

"Fine but if you even come the slightest bit to close to me,trust me you'll regret it."she says lifting her bag of the bed.

"Wasn't planning on it."

After speaking to her I have realised that's she not worth my time,she clearly wants nothing to do with me.

There is no point in trying when there are girls who fall to there knees when they see me.

It's getting late so I go to the bathroom to change out of my jeans.

Jasmine does the same but after me.

Shes just wearing a hoodie and sweat pants,no cute Pyjamas or anything.

We spend about 10 minutes setting the pillow barrier up she had to make sure It was perfect.It was thick but it wasn't high I could still look over it and see her without having to move much.

"Is that good enough for you?"I ask her,she doesn't say anything she just hums in response confirming that it was good enough.

She turns the lamp on her side of ,and I do the same but there is still some light shining threw the window coming from the illuminated moon.

I have always struggled to sleep when I'm in a bed that isn't my own,I have been up for a while just staring at the ceiling.

I can hear Jasmines slow and quiet breathes but I don't know if she is asleep yet so I look over the pillows to see if she is awake.

While I am looking at her I notice her hoodie is slightly pulled up showing dark bruises all over her stomach,I can't see very well because there isn't much light but they look really bad.

I wonder what happened to her and is this why she's acting so stubborn.

Im glad she didn't lie on the floor she would probably be in pain lying on the hard wood floor,even more pain then she would be without her bruises.


The most recent chapters have been filler chapters and nothing much has been happening but bare with me,soon enough more interesting stuff will happen.❤️

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