Between Sweets and Demons

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[Next day, October 31st, already at school]

Tony yawns slightly as he grabs his things from his locker.

'And as I was saying before. The optimal way to fight in this plane will be to use pyromancy, Eva, I don't feel like trying a stronger spell after that fiasco last year' The boy says in his mind. Soon hearing an answer,

Eva took a moment to consider Tony's comment and then responded thoughtfully.

She acknowledged his perspective while also offering her insights. She explained that while some types of ethereal magic may have a debuff at the moment, there are still several spells that can prove to be useful in various situations.

Eva went on to describe in detail the specific spells that she had in mind, providing examples of their practical applications. To further illustrate her point, she graciously transmitted several images to Tony's mind, showcasing the effectiveness of these spells in real-world scenarios.

Tony winces as the images play on his head and hisses at Eva, who is in her ring form.

'You little- It's too early for a headache, you could have just told me about the spells'

"Is everything okay there, Wise guy?" A voice asks him and Tony turns around and sees Max looking at him with a bit of concern.

"Huh, yeah, just a little headache. Good morning Maxy." The boy smiles and finishes getting his things from the closet. Max rolls her eyes, clearly not amused by the random nickname... which isn't even good.

"Morning... Do you remember the weirdos from yesterday?" She asks and leans against the closet next locker, crossing his arms. And making a funny face.

Tony looks at her, curious about where this is going.

"I mean, calling them weirdos is a bit too much, nerds is a better word. But yes I remember" He says smiling.

Maxine ignores the comment and continues,

"Well, they came to school dressed as Ghostbusters."

This makes the boy pause for a second. He looks around, seeing everyone from the school... in normal clothes.


Max chuckles at the boy's reaction.

"I have no idea."

Tony's eyes narrow a little as he thinks. 'That better not be the work of some Bullies. Because if it is, I'll have some idiots to beat up'

And with that, they go to their classroom.


The bell rings and students begin to leave,

At the moment Tony keeps his things in the closet. While quietly listening to the tunes of a song he once heard a long time ago.

Sensing someone's presence, he looks to the side to see Max coming towards him with a face full of amusement and slight irritation.

"By your face, I assume you have something funny to tell." The boy says, and closes his locker, leaning on it.

Max smiles at the boy's amused tone and nods,

"Well, the Ghostbusters invited me to trick or treat tonight" She says crossing her arms and starting to mutter, about the presumptuous way they called her.

Tony chuckles as he waits for her to finish before speaking. "So, are you going?" he asks. "I don't think it's a bad idea. I have no idea if I can go, but if I can, I will." He shrugs.

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