Will the Wise

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In the dead of night, a boy dressed as a Zombie (but not really) walks alone, practically dragging himself tiredly, through the Hawkins forest.

Already getting close to Hopper's cabin, Tony yawns.

'I wonder if Eleven decided to do something for Halloween with Hopper. I left before the stubborn duo could decide what they were going to do.' The boy thinks with a smirk.

And from his ear, a silver thread came out, then increased in size forming EVA, and sailed towards the boy's wrist, wrapping around it.

'Tony. I have already finished a complete evaluation of the Reward from the last Quest. Would you like to see it?' Eva says it mentally, making the boy nod.

Then a window with the new skill appears.

Electrokinesis [User Ranking: B]

Electrokinesis grants the user skilled control over electricity and magnetism. They can create magnetic fields to repel or attract metallic objects, manipulate electrical currents to create powerful shocks, and even channel electrical energy into various forms, all of which can be fatal to the opponent in front of them. The skill guarantees a small passive increase in speed of "thought and reaction" to avoid accidents.

Tony's eyes widen in surprise,

'A B Rank! Damn, that's rare! Eva, I only have about 4 skills above Ranking B, right?'

'Correct Host. But remember that spells don't go into "Skills", otherwise technically you have much more than that.'

The boy nods and shrugs, proceeding to take a small leap to jump over a trap in the path.

"Yeah, I know. But either way, it looks like these quests will be giving good rewards, very different from some of the previous worlds," the boy said thoughtfully, remembering times gone by.

The rewards from the system can range from a simple normal stone to some type of spell book with ancient magic. The rewards are generally very diverse in that regard.

Only having a simple rule...

•Strictly physical items cannot be taken from world to world. And they stay in the world where the Host received them.

This means that if Tony gets a spellbook teaching how to do some set of spells,

He will have to learn them before changing worlds.

The boy proceeds to walk through the forest and arrives at the cabin, going to the door.

He knocks three times and opens the door.

And then sees Hopper sitting on the couch, in front of the TV... Eating candy?

The older man looks at the boy and his eyes widen slightly.

"Rough night Hopper?" The boy says and comes closer and Hopper quickly puts the sweets aside, picks up the boy, and sits him on the couch.

"Kid- What the hell happened to you?" He says and looks, seeing that even with his clothes destroyed and the dried blood on him, he doesn't look hurt.

The police chief continues to look at him with slight concern, waiting for the boy to say something,

"Well, do you remember the Quests I talked about?" Tony says and stretches his arm, taking a piece of candy from the bowl full of them nearby.

Hooper's mind works quickly, remembering the things the boy explained to him over the previous months.

The chief nods,

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