Part 17

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They all were now downstairs.

Jin : Lisa is he really fine?
Lisa : Worry hyung is all fine now just a little tired..?
Jin : Who the hell hurt that pure soul ..? How can they do that while looking at his angelic face ?
Namjoon : Calm down Jinni let him wake up we can ask him .?
Lisa : I don't think it's a good idea because the past which triggers him we should let him make to think of the past again ?
Jungkook : I also agree with Lisa and he will not open his mouth to say a single word.

Suddenly something clicked on Jungkook's mind he took his phone and called Someone.

Hope : Hello buddy what's up is your marriage life going on.?
Jungkook : It's good hyung but now I called because i want to know someone's location
Hope : Tell me the details I will find it for you

Jungkook shared the details of the person to J hope

Hope : Okey let's ne search of if I get any information i will inform you
Jungkook : Thank you hyung

Call ended

With Tae

Tae started to gain his conscious as he hold head while was aching slightly. He slowly sat on the bed while holding his head. He opened his eyes as he looked around noticing that he slept on Jungkook's bed soon he realised he even was wearing his shirt. He closed his eyes tightly when yesterday's incident started to flow in his mind. A single tear skipped from his eyes as he immediately got of the bed and ran towards the bathroom and washed his face with the cold water, to calm himself.

Few minutes later

Jungkook and others were talking when he heard someone's foot steps coming downstairs. All looked at the direction to see Tae coming downstairs still in the same dress. Jungkook shirt was so big for him. Seeing Tae in his clothes Jungkook felt a wave of happiness in his heart. He stood up and walked towards Tae and hugged him making Tae flinch.

Jungkook : Thank God you are all fine now

He said still hugging him on the other side Tae can feel his heart beat while was beating fastly. Jungkook broke the hug and took him towards the other members sitting on the couch seeing They coming towards them Jin stood up.

Jin : How are you feeling now sweetie

Tae looked at the person who talked to him with sweet angelic voice which made him homely for the first time.

Seeing Tae confused Jin brought his hand on his cheeks and caressed it gently making him calm.

Jin : I am Jin Jungkook's elder brother from now I your brother too okey you share everything with me.

Unknowingly Tae nodded his head like he was in somekide of spell.

Lisa : Hey Tae how are you feeling now

Tae looked at the cheerful lady who have big yet cute smile on her face ...he nodded his head indicating that he is fine.

Jungkook : Tae she is Lisa our personal Doctor and That is Namjoon Hyung Jin hyungs husband.

Jungkook then looked at Tae

Jungkook : You sit here with then I will make breakfast for everyone

Saying that he went to kitchen and Jin pulled Tae towards the couch near them. But Tae his eyes on the kitchen when Jungkook went to make breakfast, but Jin noticed it and gently took Tae's on his

Jin : Don't worry about him he is a best chef. Whenever we all gatheres he is the one cooks food for us.
Lisa : of course i have always thought that how did he end being a Mafia instead of a chef.

Suddenly Lisa realised something.

Lisa : Wait my luggage

Her eyes widened as he ran towards the entrance. When she reached there she breathed in relief

Lisa : Ahh it's luggage

she then took it inside.

Truth Behind His Tears √taekookWhere stories live. Discover now