Part 49

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After dinner Tae and Baekhyun were sitting outside on the small sitout watching the rain

Tae : So what's their names

Tae asked while pointing towards the little twins who were playing with their grandparents

Baekhyun : Park In-ah Park In-Su
Tae : Woaa so cute but how are they.....

Baekhyun : We adopted them in the 6 months after our marriage

Baekhyun replied before they asked him Because he predicted his question

Tae : By the way you both are really a couple made by heaven
Baekhyun : Really how can you say that you have only met us for some hours
Tae : I don't need more time to recognise that, and the way Mr Park's face brims with happiness when he sees you and them,

Baekhyun was amazed at how Tae understood just with a small smile

Baekhyun : Yes he loves us a lot and you he is very romantic too

He whispered the last word to Tae with a small wink.

Baekhyun : You Tae here this is the place where I met for the first time and I just fell for at the first sight, at that I was really a straight forward guy i directly went to him and proposed to him but you know what shocked me a lot

Tae curiously looked at him

Baekhyun : That guy said yes without any hesitation and even kissed me
Tae : Really woaaa that's so bold
Baekhyun : Yaa I know okey but our parents were against our relationship we struggled so much to be together finally we made Tae now I am his husband and I am just happy by it. I don't know why! i feel so safe around him.

Baekhyun said while looking outside suddenly Tae's eyes travelled towards his Husband Jungkook.

Tae💭: So am I also I love because I also feel safe when I am Kookie not only safe I feel happy, calm and even scared to lose him.

Tae was staring at Jungkook and Baekhyun caught him

Baekhyun : So you also Love Jungkook-sii so much don't you

Tae's thought broke by Baekhyun's question

Tae : W..who...what are you saying it's not like what you
Baekhyun : Your eyes tell everything

Baekhyun blurred out all of sudden and Tae looked at him in shock

Baekhyun was looking directly into Tae's Ocean eyes

Baekhyun : Of course Tae your tongue may lie to me but eyes either one. Don't you love him Tae, you can tell me as a friend I am willing to know what is in your heart.

Suddenly tears started to brim in his eyes, seeing that Baekhyun panicked

Baekhyun : Tae don't I was just..
Tae : Your right Hyun-ahh I think I am in love with that person in my one had treated me like he treated me, he treats me like a prince wait i mean exactly like princess. He was there with me in my happiness my sadness my madness for everything he was always by my side________But he Doesn't deserve a person like me

Soon Baekhyun held his

Baekhyun : Why Tae why do you think like that
Tae : I afraid Hyun-ahh I am afraid to love him because it scares me a lot to lose him
Baekhyun : What are you thinking Tae he is your husband he will not anywhere form you.
Tae : I know he will but still am so afraid, what if he will also leave like my mother left me, what if something happens to him like what happened to my friend_______
I am an unlucky person whoever loves me one day they all will get away from some way.

Baekhyun Don't know about Tae's past but still he understand that their something bad happened with his that's why he is scared to say his love towards the person he loves so much

He immediately hugged him calming him by patting his back

Baekhyun : Don't think negative Tae what if this person stay forever with you even you push him away he will still follow you wherever you are. Tae give it chance or what if you will regret it on later.

Tae understood what Baekhyun was trying to say he was planning to give it chance but something was pulling his from back

Baekhyun : Take your time and think it

He said while blacking away from hug


At Jeon Mansion

Jin : Hobi did you get any information where they are

Jin asked while crying

Hobi : Hyung stop crying i ma trying my best

So After they splits up Hobi drive back to Jeon's Mansion and wanted for Jungkook's car for two hours. But still Jungkook didn't reached so they told everything to the family members what happened and how they escaped and how they Lost contact with Jungkook and Tae. And now Hobi and Jisoo were trying their best to track their location and tried many times to contact them but it was not reachable.

Jin was so worried about them, everyone were worried about them

Namjoon sat beside Jin and rubbed his hands to calm him

Namjoon : Jinni you know Jungkook right he will be safe and Obviously Tae will be also safe with him so don't cry nothing will happen to them.
Jin : I know but .......

He broke into tears

They all were sad and worried of Where Tae and Jungkook were.....

Truth Behind His Tears √taekookWhere stories live. Discover now