Part 36

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They didn't expect Jhope would ask Jisoo anything.

Hobi : Then how did my brother become like this in that condition. How ....

He asked from nowhere ___because he was eager to know what happened to his brother.

Jisoo looked at him with sad eyes

Jisoo : That day after talking to each other heart to heart they were way back to him in Jimin's car.


Jimin : Come on stop this emotional talking.....let's go home

He held Tae's hand and drag him towards the parking area Where his car was parked

Tae : Wow is this your car Jimin-ahh

Jimin smiled at his excited Friend

Jimin : Yes my brother brought it for me
Tae : Wow you are so lucky to have a brother like him. You know i really want to meet your hyung.
Jimin : Why not I will tell him that a cute bubbly bear is waiting to see him, and you know he also asks about you everyday whenever I call him.

He pinched his cheeks

Tae : Really
Jimin : Of course who can you Bear

Suddenly he grabbed the key from his pocket and showed it to Tae

Jimin : Wanna drive.?
Tae : Really can I.?
Jimin : Of course you can
Tae : But I am scared

Jimin kept the key on Tae's hand and said;

Jimin : Don't be scared when I am with you....okay

Tae nodded his head and went inside the car

Tae : So where are we going
Jimin : Hmm let's go to the mall

Tae looked at him confused

Tae : Mall ...but why?
Jimin : Do you wanna know?

Tae nodded his head

Jimin : After two weeks it's my Hyungiee's birthday so I wanna buy a gift for him.
Tae : Really then I will also buy a gift for him

Tae said excitedly

Like that they drove to the mall

Both of them roamed around the whole mall and brought gifts for Jimin's brother

Tae : Look at this one will look good on his hands right Jimin-ahh

He showed the hand chain he brought of Hobi

Jimin : Wow it's beautiful Tae Tae : Now show me what you brought for himJimin : Here

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Jimin : Wow it's beautiful Tae
Tae : Now show me what you brought for him
Jimin : Here

Jimin : Wow it's beautiful Tae Tae : Now show me what you brought for himJimin : Here

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Tae : Wow so beautiful

Like they were walking then they Heard some students of their college whispered about them.

Girl1 : Look aren't they from our college
Girl2 : Yes i heard that they are together...that handsome guy even rejected the college beauty
Girl1 : Really what did he see in that mute
Girl3 : Wait he is not mute he was acting to gain everyone's attention

Tae and Jimin heard what they were talking about, Jimin immediately turned and waylk towards the girls

Jimin : Is this the manners your parents thought to talk behind others back

Tae was fast to hold Jimin and drag him out of the mall before the conversation gets heated

Jimin : Tae why did you do that .... didn't you hear what they were talking about you
Tae : Jimin-ahh let them be because they don't know what true friendship means...they think when two people are close to each other then they have something between them ..... whatever it's their thinking just mind them okay
Jimin : You and your philosophies .... whatever let's go back

Again Tae was the one who drove back to home

Flashback ends

While continuing her face changed into deep sadness.

Jisoo : Tae was the one who was driving back home, but they didn't know that something big was waiting for them on the road.

Jisoo looked at Hobi who was waiting to listen to what happened next not only he, everyone was curious to listen.

Jisoo : As you said that wasn't an accident it was someone intentionally tried to kill them but it wasn't Tae who tried to kill your brother nor it was to kill your brother....their target was Tae

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