Part 60

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Jungkook reached the mansion he got out of the car, immediately running inside witnessing his guards laying lifeless in the pool of blood. A sudden fear took over as he walked inside with a racing heart,

Jungkook : TAE .....JIN HYUNG

He walked inside looking over the messed room, he called out their names, but didn't get any response


Behind Jungkook, Namjoon Suga Hope came seeing the messed home,

Jungkook was going to run upstairs when his eyes fell on the one of the trusted guards who got killed, while still half of open. His heart ached seeing it he walked over him closing his eyes gently

Jungkook : Sorry

He mumbled to the lifeless body, where Namjoon Suga Hobi came behind him seeing this

Suddenly he rembembered about his love and his family he stood up running upstairs, towards his room to see the room looked all fine and none was there,

Still he called Tae expecting to get any response but only disappoint took over still heart beating fastly.

Suddenly his mind clicked on something he immediately ran over the Store room, as he ran there to see the guess was right his guard helped them to hide in their secret basement but,

The basement looked wide open, All of them ran Inside the room to see Lisa who was sitting on the floor with her half opened eyes there Jin and Jisoo who was lying on the floor in the same situation.

Jungkook : LISA ,HYUNG ~~~

He ran over her tapping her face making her inhale heavy breath, meanwhile Namjoon and hobi ran towards Jin and Jisoo

Lisa : Ju..ungk..ook

She was breathing heavily,

Seeing their condition Suga find an syringe on the floor he immediately took it and tried smell it,

As the smell went into his nostrils his eyes widened in horror,

Suga : This ....

His eyes followed to Lisa who was nodding her head,

Lisa : Hmm D..rug it's t..he sam..w you a .re Hyung


Suga shouted making the others more worry, hearing that Jungkook picked Lisa and ran outside Namjoon and Hobi did the same with Jisoo and Jin,

They went inside their car Jungkook started to drive fastly, crazy without minding the vehicles in front of him,

Namjoon : Jinnie Don't worry we will soon reach the hospital bed strong

Namjoon who was rubbing Jin's hand who was breathing heavily the three of them were in same condition taking heavy breath, eyes were getting heavy that,

Seeing this making them more worry, There Jungkook mind was all crazy his brother sister and friend in this condition and he don't know what happened with Tae and Jimin, he was mess his mind was now whole messy the was angry he was sad he was crazy,

Suga : Namjoon don't let Jin Hyung close his eyes and you too Hobi don't let her close her eyes continuously tap their face to make them conscious

Hobi looked at and asked,

Hobi : What happened why are they behaving like this Suga,

Suga : Its because of the drug
Namjoon : Drug
Suga : Yes they are injected with the most dangerous drug it will take maximum one hour to get took over all over the body and it was more dangerous when the count of the drug is more and they have been injected with the heavy dose and.....

While saying he paused for a second and said

Suga : Even it can take their life or lead a coma stage, if they close their eyes for even a second then it will very hard for to take them back their life's,

Suga completed his words making them burn more that they can even burn the person alive who did this to their family, Jungkook was more angry after hearing it, he clenched his teeth, tighten the Grip on the stearing making his veins pop out visibly.

His mind still running on Tae,

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