Part 40

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Just a fine evening

Tae was asuall in his art world, that's when Jungkook came in while knocking the door.

Seeing Jungkook a smile formed on Tae's face.

Jungkook : So what are you drawing baby......

As he came forward and looked at the painting that Tae painted....

As he came forward and looked at the painting that Tae painted

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Jungkook : Wow it's amazing what does it mean baby

He asked Tae while looking curiously____

Tae smiled and held Jungkook's hands and locked it with his_

Tae : I feel so safe when I hold your hands and i don't want to break this hold.

Jungkook's breath hitched when Tae spoke those words, the first time he felt so happy by Tae's words.

He soon brought his hands towards Tae's cheeks gently caressing with his hard fingers...

Jungkook : I promise you baby I will tightly hold this hand till my death....

But immediately Tae cover his mouth with his hands

Tae : Please Don't....

Jungkook understood what he was thinking his removed Tae's hand and said

Jungkook : Okey I am sorry let's change it into, I promise you baby that I will tightly hold on to your hands till we grow old together, forever..okey

Tae nodded his head and hugged Jungkook tightly, who hugged him back with same passion.

Jungkook broke the hug and said cheerfully

Jungkook : Come i brought something for you

He grabbed Tae's hands and dragged him outside

He took him directly to the kitchen and as he came there Tae's eyes widened in happiness, he covered his mouth not knowing how to express his happiness____

Because the whole table was filled with different kind of icecream

Jungkook : Here this is all for you i didn't know what flavour you like so i brought everything

He said while scratching the back of his head

Tae giggled at his husband who was looking so cute, he walked and picked the straberry flavoured one and said;

Tae : My favourite
Jungkook : Straberry flavoured...okey boss I will remember it

He said while saluting towards Tae

Soon The dinning room was filled with their cute talking, laughing and happiness

But little did they their family members were seeing all these with adoring eyes.

Jin : They looks so happy
Jisoo : Hope it will stay like this forever

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