Part 23

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In Tae's wallpaper there was him smiling heartedly with a person with him, but Jungkook doesn't know who he was because he couldn't see the person's face. Jungkook never saw Taehyung smiling like this to anyone, and Jungkook's one wish that he ever had is to see him smile.

All of sudden his eyes went on the message that Tae's sister sent to him, which made him more upset.

(Jisoo💬 : Tae Tae it's not your fault, whatever happened that day was not your fault so be strong, love you and he loves you a lot too)

The last word made him more sad, curious, upset he also doesn't know what he was feeling. His misunderstanding was getting more deep in him. So many questions were flowing in his mind like who is that person that she was talking, how deep relationship that Tae had with him that he even paints him in every canvas, what happened between them, like that so many questions.

While Jungkook was in his thoughts Tae came out of bathroom. Jungkook came back to reality and kept the phone on the couch without Tae noticing...

Jungkook : Your phone was buzzing for long i think you should take a look on it.

He said with an unpleasant voice and soon he stood up walked outside of the room making Tae confused.

Tae then took his phone and read the message that his sister sent which he soon ignored it but deep inside he was burying himself in pain and pressure.

The whole Jungkook's mind was feeding him the same question who he was, what's their relationship.....he was so restless. And he decided keep a distance from Tae because he doesn't want give himself so hope in his married life.

Next day Tae locked himself in his art room didn't ate anything, was busy in his painting because somewhat he was avoiding to think about the past which made him like this.


Now it's been 4 month after their marriage. Nothing changed Jungkook kept his distance with Tae and Tae who didn't give importance to it but still he noticed the sudden change in Jungkook's behaviour. Not only him the others were also confused with Jungkook's behaviour now he behaves very differently with them getting angry easily for small small things, not eating the food properly......And he don't talks to anyone so much like before only work work work.

Now Jungkook was in the office suddenly he got call from Jhope

Jhope📞 : Hey kook
Jungkook📞 : Hyung how are you?
Jhope📞 : I am fine and what about
Jungkook📞 : Hmm so why did you called me
Jhope📞 : Two good newses, First I found the person you were asking for and second I am coming back to meet everyone.
Jungkook📞 : Really i am so happy you are always welcome so come fast we are waiting for you

Like that the call ended happily. But little did they know the meeting was going to make new uncovering truth.

Let's wait that see

Truth Behind His Tears √taekookWhere stories live. Discover now