Chapter 23

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Waking up in the morning is difficult, my eyes are puffy, I don't think make up will cover it, but I try anyways. I don't need my superiors questioning my sanity at the moment. Despite Michael's reassurances that they will take care of my children and I...I know they don't have to. At any moment that could be taken away, no I need this job and my newfound business. I won't be reliant on them for our survival.

On that note, how would it work with them living in Paleriver? I need to keep some distance between us, I groan. First, I should go feed them. I finish applying my makeup and head downstairs to cook them a country breakfast. I don't need to wake up Charley for another hour.

I have the potatoes frying in the pan, bacon in the oven, and the tea is just finishing as I hear footsteps tread lightly down the stairs.

"Good morning." Andrew says, I can see his scruff I can only imagine what that would feel like on my skin. I shake away any lusty thoughts, I'm not taking them back.

"Sleep well?" I ask, I automatically grab several cups out for tea, before I pause to ask. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Andrew nods sitting down at the little table in the kitchen. "That would be nice, thank you."

We sip our tea quietly together as the rest slowly wander down suitcases ready to leave. I wake Charley so we can all eat together before we need to leave.

"Good morning baby boy." I tell him, gently waking him up. "Do you want to have breakfast with us?"

He wipes his eyes and nods his head. I help him get dressed and carry him downstairs to eat with us. Michael made the eggs for us while I woke up Charley.

"Thank you." I tell him, setting the big platters of food on the dining table and handing everyone a plate. "Let's eat."

"I can be here next weekend," Michael says after we've started serving up.

I arch a brow, "Is something happening next weekend?"

He looks up at me with doe eyes, "I'd personally feel more comfortable if one of us at least could be with you when we aren't working." After a sharp look from James he adds, "If that's alright with you?"

I sigh, "We're fine on own our."

Michael nods, "I know. Wouldn't you like help with Charley, or help on projects in the house?"

I narrow my eyes at him, he looks sincere, I meet the eyes of Andrew and James as well, they look hopeful. "I suppose I could use help around the house. I'd like to get the outside power washed and repainted."

Michael makes a face, "You actually need new siding."

I feel my face fall, "It's gotten that bad?"

He sighs, "Yes, this coming weekend you and I can go over every inch and assess what needs to be done, plus the costs. And anything else you want updated." He raises his hands, "Before you get mad, you could always take out a loan on your mortgage for the updates and fixing it up."

I frown, "I haven't considered that option. I'll think about it, I suppose you can stay this weekend."

Charley claps smiling at the four of us. "I'm glad someone is on my side." Andrew chuckles.

Together we finish off breakfast, quickly do the dishes and head to the cars. "I'll see you Saturday?" I say to Michael.

"I was thinking I'd fly in Friday evening if that's alright?"

I nod, "Sure that's fine. Bye boys." I say to the other two with a wave. Both look a little put out, but seriously what do they expect? That overnight I changed my mind, and can't live without them? I think not.

I put on the Tangled soundtrack as we drive to work, the roads are finally getting better since the snow is melting. I can't wait for the wild flowers to make their appearance along my driveway and most of the drive to the resort.

There's almost a weight lifting off me as I contemplate, my house, I really hope I can get a loan on it. The original mortgage was paid off before my parents died. That very well might be a workable option to improve my house. Maybe I should be thinking off additions I'd want to make.

My old room will be the nursery and doesn't need much work besides paint. It's really the bathrooms, the kitchen and making a different heating method for the home. Plus of course, a new roof, siding, and the wrap around porch needs to be fixed. It's a lot but with Michael's remodeling experience, we might be able to do this.

I practically prance into work, Lindy rushes over hugging Charley before demanding I tell her what happened. I set my stuff down and start getting ready for the day leaving her tittering behind me impatiently.

Once our coloring stations are set up, I turn to her. "They all came over last night."

She squeals! "And your back together happily ever after?"

I roll my eyes, "No, I talked to Andrew Saturday night on the phone when he finally saw the email. There was a woman at home with him!"

"No!" She pales, "Seriously I thought they were just caught up in work."

I shrug, "It's not any of my business who they sleep with. They now know one of them is the father, and we'll have a paternity test done in a few weeks."

"And?" She demands, wiping down the chairs with bleach wipes.

"And, they apologized and want me back. I said no. I agreed that they can be in our lives, but with the long distance, I don't trust any of them and with good reason. James claims they will move out here," I wave my hand empathizing that I don't find that very likely. "Michael will be over this weekend, we're going to go over upgrades and what not to my house. They each want to spend weekends out here with us."

She lets out a low whistle, "That is a lot. Not that my opinion means much, I think that was the best option to go with. Keep you and your little ones safe and protected, and since they are offering. Why not?"

I shrug, "We'll see what happens in the future, I'm notbetting on anything though. I doubt they will even move over to Paleriver, and Isuspect that after a few months of weekends that they'll stop visiting." Ipaste on a bright smile as the first tired parent brings us a toddler to watchfor the morning.

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