Chapter 24

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Sirens wailed in my ears as my head shook side to side, waking up from whatever sleep I was in. My head throbbed, and not like a headache like my head was split open. I looked around at the area I was in, EMTs were rushing around me, telling me we were almost there. 

Almost where?

A hand-held mine tightly, I looked up and saw Riley, bloody face and fists, her shirt covered in blood. She only smiled weakly at me.

My hand went to the back of my head, pulling it back in front of my face to see blood, my hand was covered in blood. My eyes widened and I panicked.

" head's bleeding," I slurred out.

"We know ma'am, we're almost at the hospital,"

The ambulance came to a halt and they wheeled me out on the stretcher, Riley following.

"Lacy Clarke, Eighteen, B.P is one twenty over eighty, Tachy is one seventy. Got hit by the ambulance, she has severe head bleeding, her head is cracked open, a concussion, and she has multiple breaks," the EMT said to a man with wavy black hair in blue scrubs. 

"Doctor Wilson?" I asked, squinting at him.

"Her memories intact, that's a good sign, get her to trauma room one, please!" he called out, inspecting my head.

"Doctor Wilson, what happened?" I asked, tears welling in my eyes. "My head hurts bad,"

"Take a deep breath, it'll all be okay," he said, rolling me into a room with other doctors surrounding the bed. 

"Get her on five of morphine!" he yelled. "I want a CT and possibly an MRI depending on how the CT looks," he said, looking at the younger people who stared at me in awe. 

"Will she be okay?" Riley asked.

"Ma'am, I'm sure she'll be okay, but you need to get stitches," he said. 

"Dupont, in the meantime I need you to start a suture on the back of Lacy's head, Meyer, stitch Riley up and clean the wounds please," he ordered. "Page Van Dijk, she needs to come down and fix the breaks," he said.

"Doctor Wilson?" I asked, my mouth feeling full. 

"Yes?" he asked.

"Am I gonna be able to dance by December?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Lacy, I'm certain with time and physical therapy, you'll be able to dance again soon, I can't make promises, but I can promise you will dance again," he smiled softly at me. "I'm glad you're not in for starvation this time," he chuckled.

I smiled and let out a small laugh, immediately regretting it.

"Are you okay?" I asked Riley, squeezing her hand as they inserted my IV.

"I'm okay, but you're not, don't worry about me, please," she said, stroking the top of my hair before kissing my forehead and leaving with Doctor. Meyer to get stitched up.

Everyone cleared the room and Doctor. Dupont flipped me over on the table only to gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're head's not split open, your neck is split open, or rather you have an open wound on your neck," she said as I hardly understood her with her thick French accent.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"No it's not bad madam but I have to get you a CT before I can sew you up to make sure your neck's not broken," she said.

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