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this is one of my first story's, updates won't be consistent and my writings still very bad, see this as a trail for my writing. by the way, lucifer is the same height as alastor, maybe even taller in this story, i just can't with him being so short compared to alastor, i couldn't imagine writing a story and they kiss, how awkward
the sound of clacking in the hotel kitchen can be heard, pots and pans being moved about and chatter erupting from the lot, with lucifer standing by the stove with a frying pan in his hand, slowly pouring in some pancake batter to the perfect shape and letting it bubble, showing off his pancake flipping skills after years of cooking for charlie when she was a young child.
"dad, careful!"
charlie shouts, as the pancake slaps onto the floor with a loud "SPLAT!"


the group erupts into laughter, lucifers knees buckling at his own antics, laughing at the smeared, semi-cooked pancake sliding across the floor, everyone slowly gains back their composure and nifty running to put the pancake in the trash, grabbing a cloth to scrub the floor.

Eventually, everybody manages to cook some pancakes, no more messes being made or any being burnt, much to lucifers surprise. They all sit down for breakfast at the large dining table connected to the kitchen, Angel almost immediately grabbing a stack of pancakes on his plate, absolutely loading the plate with chocolate syrup and fruit.
Eating happily, nobody even notices the absence of a certain demon, that is, until a loud bang is heard from upstairs.


"oh my god i completely forgot to make sure alastor was down here until we started eating!"

charlie exclaimed as she stands up quickly, ready to rush upstairs and check that the demons okay, and invite him down for breakfast.

"i'll be right back!"

lucifer, instead of letting her go, stands and offers to check on him himself, telling charlie to continue eating her food and he'll invite him down, leaving his folded napkin on his chair.

"okay dad, just try not to kill eachother please! alastor will probably try to say he isn't hungry like he has the last few days, just try your best to get him down, it means a lot to me that he's here.."

lucifer frowns at the end of charlie's sentence, being a tad jealous she cared about that prick, but even so, she likes him so i have to aswell, he thinks.

"alright char-char, i'll be back soon with a radio demon in hand, be right back!"

he said, fists at his side as he walks up the flight of stairs towards the elevator.

^for heavens sake, why did he have to be put on the same floor as me... he isn't royalty!^

pressing the top button, lucifer stands waiting till he eventually gets to the top floor, almost storming to the radio demons room at the opposite end of the hall
he starts aggressively knocking on alastors door

"cmon, bambi! breakfast! made especially by your king!!"


he knocks again, maybe he just didn't hear

"hey! breakfast tomato!"


met with silence one again, lucifer furiously knocks a third time, almost breaking the door.

"don't ignore me you prick! charlie wants you there not me!"


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