what is this feeling?

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oops sorry for not updating, tbh i can never finish a story cause i lose all motivation 😭
over 500 reads! made me want to write another chapter for you guys as my notifications is all votes lol, i have no plan for this story so ill try and make it make sense as much as possible but cant guarantee 🙏🏻
Alastor pov

i slowly sit up from the floor with a pounding headache, groaning as i remember last nights events, i took my pills, had an episode, drank a bottle of whisky, nice.
struggling, i force myself off the creaky floorboards whilst trying not to fall over from the wave of dizziness that flew over me, holding onto the nearest wall for support.

I stumble into the bathroom and lean against the sink, taking a good look at my appearance which i usually keep immaculate, my hairs a mess falling over my face with tufts of it on top ready to fall once i move my head a bit too much, i have dark eyebags surrounding my eyes and my usual eyeliner is smudged across my face, where i've clearly been rubbing at it this morning. I glance down at my clothes, my jacket is pretty much ripped to shreds from my claws, trousers stained with drops of blood giving me a not-so-pleasant scent.

I turn on the sink, grab some face wash and proceed to aggressively wash my face making sure to get all the dried makeup and alcohol off, washing my hands i prepare to go downstairs and make an appearance at least once today to keep charlie sane, grabbing some concealer i do dots around my eye, on some redness and do a bit on my eyelids for some eyeshadow.

Yes i know, the big bad radio demon wears makeup, it helps me feel a little less satanic when around others, i've been wearing quite a bit more whilst around the hotel staff and charlie since i feel a tad bit more comfortable with them seeing me with it, i haven't been out in a while so no other overlords or Vox have noticed, thank the heavens.

I apply some red eyeshadow to the center of my eyelids, a dark purple on the outside to match the dark tips of my hair, which i still need to fix now that i think about it. Quickly dabbing on some powder to keep everything in place, i fix my hair and clean up the stray bits that fell out then make my way to my door, stepping over countless items on the way and nearly falling to my second death from the mess, i do one last quick check in the mirror and step outside, checking for anyone in the corridor, no one.

I prefer to take the stairs over the elevator, it feels more elegant and less life threatening, i wonder what charlie has planned for today? hopefully nothing i have to take part in. That's another thing i don't particularly enjoy about this project of hers, she always tries to get me to join into her silly little activities that have no meaning to me, i can't and won't try to be redeemed anyway, it probably doesn't even work since we're not sure, i reach the end of the stairs and finish up the rant in my mind to be greeted by charlie almost immediately.

"Alastor there you are! i was about to send my dad up again for you haha.."

"Here i am! sorry charlie but could you enlighten me to what the time is?"

"Sure let me check."

Charlie takes out her hellphone and quickly slips it back into her pocket, responding

"about quarter to two, you sure did sleep in Al! your usually up at 6."

quarter to two?! god that could set off some questions, i should've gotten a shadow to wake me up this morning..

"Oh yes! i certainly did oversleep a bit didn't i? after all i did have some errands to run this morning so i took a light nap and the day has seemed to get away from me."

I cover up my tardiness with an excuse, practically praying she takes it, i can't have her suspicious of me, her little girlfriend already is.

"Oh alright Al no worries! everyone could use a power nap at some point! self care is a good redeeming quality after all!"

"sure sure, do we have any medicine? i seem to have a headache."

"right! i think we do in the cupboard in the kitchen."

I shoo her off and speed walk to the kitchen, this headache is taking me over, my head feels as if it's gonna collapse. I've already drained enough of my power last night to be dealing with this right now-


im interrupted by clashing and banging coming from behind me, staring daggers into whatever made the noise to be met with lucifer eating a plate of pancakes to himself.. again.

"do you not think to be a bit more quiet in the afternoon, you Majesty?"

Lucifer glances up looking Alastor in the eye, seemingly to just be noticing him in the room with him

He doesn't respond, just stares into alastors non existent soul.


He looks away and continues on with his pancakes, speaking with a big mouthful of syrup:

"Hey al, i like your eyeshadow, seems a bit like mine with the purple."

I'm taken a bit by surprise at that, feeling a light dust over my already pale face, nobody has mentioned my eyeshadow, do they even realise i wear it? whatever, not only was it noticed, it was complimented! by the king himself!

I stutter out a response, still not used to being told nice things about my look.

"Thank you, um yes i did do a bit of purple, i thought it'd be nice for a change."

i wait for a response.

"looks good."

Lucifer turns back around to finish off his pancakes, looking like a kid in a candy store.
I rush to take my medicine and storm out of the room glancing back at lucifer with a flustered look.
I thought about getting another drink from husk, but almost gagged at the thought of drinking whisky at the minute.
My heart felt as if it was about to jump out my chest, beating rapidly as i raced back up the stairs to my room, grubbing my coat with a dangerous grip..

^what is this feeling..?^


1086 words,
sorry guys i'll try update with semi long chapters and a consistent schedule but i have 0 ideas for this book

Lmk if you wanna see anything specific in the comments, i won't mind doing requests 👍👍

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