his jacket

633 29 13

^shit, shit, shit!^
I stumble into my room after sputtering out a not-so-good excuse downstairs, earning some weird glances whilst i ran up towards the elevator.

Lucifers jacket is nearly soaked through at this stage, my red blood staining it a deep scarlet colour, i practically rip it off my body and onto a nearby chair, throwing myself into it. i unbutton my undershirt to see my scar from the battle oozing blood at a rapid pace behind the bandages

^oh fuck i didn't wrap that well enough this morning, well it's not as if i had a lot of time with the king banging my door down, he nearly saw my room anyway.^

i thought, looking around at a mess of my so called 'bedroom', there's marks along most of the walls, clothes thrown across the floor and the contents of draws and shelves shattered and in pieces everywhere.

how pathetic

the radio demon, one of the most feared overlords can't even keep his room clean!

^ill clean that up later, first let me find my extra bandages^

i start looking around my dumping ground, kicking stuff about hoping to find the white roll i needed so badly, yet i come across nothing.

^i must've used it all earlier in a panic^

growling in realisation, i stumble to the floor as a sharp pain clouds my mind, causing a loud 'THUD' falling onto my knees. if only i was that little bit stronger against adam, i fled away the minute i got hit, he got me in the chest really badly, almost a month past it and i still can't stop it from bleeding every 20 minutes.

i crawl into a fetal position, holding my knees close trying to ease the pain away so i could fix it. I sat there for a while but slowly the pain subsides just enough for me to get up and find something to cover my chest with, spotting a shirt from the other day on the floor i pick it up and rip it in half, using my hand to hold it down while strapping it to my chest, i add 2 more layers to keep it from bleeding again today.
Looking over at my clawed at bedside table, i see my pills, two yellow bottles staring me down as if scolding me for not taking them the past few days, I  prepare to head back downstairs, brushed my hair and washed my face, and finally took two of each bottle of pills, leaving  my room looking fresher with a now clean shirt and jacket.

^ill just take the one charlie's cleaning back to my room later^

i watch as alastor walks back down the stairs, his hair freshly brushed and a new jacket on which  my mood diminishes from seeing it as he looked nice in my jacket, speaking of why did he take it? did he hate my jacket that much? i start thinking about other explanations and overthink about the matter before a crimson hand waves infront of my face, snapping me back to reality

"hell to lucifer? are you in there or just daydreaming about ducks?"

"very funny, sorry i was just lost in thought for a bit there, by the way, what happened to my jacket?"

i see his face flush for a second, whilst i watch him try to stammer out an excuse

"well- um i accidentally left it in my room whilst i went up a second ago, not to worry! ill grab it in a second."

raising my brow, i question this so called 'explanation' of his, i'll keep that in mind for later.

"it's fine al, give it back to me whenever"

i say, shrugging my shoulders to make sure he knew i don't mind how long he kept it for, i like the fact he has my jacket, that he has some on my property to keep for himself, the king of hells clothes! i spare him a glance, smiling at him with the best smile i could muster, then i stared deep into his soul for what felt like months, his natural hair just about curling at the ends, face glowing and skin practically begging to be marked. He's perfect. With Lilith, it always felt as if i HAD to love her and please her every second i got, just because we were casted away together, but now she's gone...

i could have somebody new, somebody actually cared for deep down in my heart, sure i still missed her and wore my ring for 7 years after no text or communication from her, but if she came back i wouldn't know what to say. I wouldn't be able to look at her lovingly like i once did before she drifted away from me.


shit i'm still staring at him.
i quickly look away before i seem even weirder then i already have, hearing alastor hum to himself at this made my cheeks heat up and i could already feel the faint yellow hue making its way to my face.

now that i think about it, i sniff the air once more to be met with an irony scent, not being able to pinpoint where it's coming from.

oh well, probably a graze nifty got from running all that time again.

Alastor seems visibly happier at the minute, his grin almost cutting through his flesh with how large it was, yet his eyes looking around the room at a quick pace, glancing at the floor, behind his back, ceiling, his side, the walls, almost as if there was a fly in the air but those don't really exist in hell.

you might think that you can't tell what alastor is feeling from his smile, but his eyes give away quite a lot about what he's feeling, at least that's what i've learnt about him so far


sorry this is so short, honestly i edited it so many times and still hate it, i might edit it completely in the future to fit the story line a tad more.
let me know if you want me to continue this as my starter book haha i wouldn't blame anybody for some constructive criticism at this rate 💀
hopefully some more chapters will be published soon and actually work with the vision in going for!

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