pink eyeshadow

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i started to do my makeup like that everyday, red in the centre and purple round the edges. Sometimes i would add a little detail that would match lucifers makeup, just to make sure he'd notice and compliment it. i'd be getting compliments almost everyday from him, and soon we stopped fighting, i might even compliment him back some days, which he gladly accepted and thanked me for.

A few weeks later..

i woke up at 6:30 this morning, lately i've been getting up earlier to do my eyeshadow, i don't know why it matters to me so much, its just a compliment after all, i shouldn't be letting it get to me like this.


yet i still go through all this effort for a couple words, christ i'm turning soft. Lucifer probably doesn't even remember them! we are still rivals aren't we? i wonder if he'd like it if i did a gradient of red, purple and pink, just like his suit...
he might! i'll try it and see if he likes it today..
not that it matters to me or anything. The radio demon doesn't need some stupid compliment to get him through the day, i'm feared all throughout hell! i play screams of murders for sinners! who would need some words to keep them going?!

not me.


after my overthinking, i get out of bed and head over to the bathroom, dragging my feet behind me sluggishly.

^maybe i should shower, i did feast yesterday...^

i step out of my t-shirt and sleep shorts, leaving them behind on the bathroom floor, yet to tidy up my dump for now, and turn on the shower.
i make sure its hot and step in, feeling the dirt and grime wash away from my scar-tattered skin and hair, grabbing the strawberry-scented shampoo i scrub my scalp and apply some conditioner to my ears and ends, i always love to keep my ears soft, though it's a tad out of character i adore my ears being soft, makes my hair look much tidier.

i step out the shower around 20 minutes later after soaking in my thoughts for a while, blow dry my hair and get dressed for the day.

now it's time to start the makeup, i prep my face and apply concealer to cover some eye bags and my eyelids for my eyeshadow grabbing the palette i need for the coral pink.


i start heading downstairs, almost skipping down the stairs ready to see lucifer eating his pretty much daily pancakes in the kitchen at 7am every morning.
Heading into the kitchen, i spot lucifer sat there, eating his pancakes yet again. I grab some coffee and add quite a bit of sugar, waiting for him to say something, anything.

he doesn't.

well maybe he just hasn't noticed yet? let me ask him how he's doing.

"morning your majesty, how are you on this fine day?"

he looks up from his pancakes and shoots me a smile

"hey, Al i'm good, just enjoying my usual pancakes you know me"

lucifer says in a monotone voice, my face droops from that, he might just not have seen it?

"that's good, busy day?"

i try to keep the conversation going whilst taking small sips from my scalding coffee, just hoping.

"yeah kinda, i've got a bit of paperwork to do but other then that i'm totally free."


my giddy mood deflates into a saddened one, why does this hurt so much? why am i so bothered over a few words?
i watch as lucifer puts his plate and utensils into the sink, waves me goodbye to likely get on with his paper work, i finish my coffee and storm off to the office, just wanted today to be done with to mope in my room for eternity. damn him, damn this hotel, damn everyone! i was stupid to think he cared, nobody does, nobody will.

a few hours later

on my last piece of paperwork, i chuck some random words in just so it's finished, and head over to my bedroom, immediately sinking into my many blankets, still in my suit, letting sleep take over me.

end of chapter

here's another chapter for you guys whilst i wait for these two weeks to be over, sorry it's short i don't have long on my phone 😭

i might try and submit another chapter soon and thanks for waiting!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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