
625 29 18

3rd person

It's the next morning, back at breakfast as everyone has a plate of toast with some ingredients scattered in the middle of the large table. Alastor sat with his usual morning coffee, but with no breakfast, meanwhile lucifer spreads strawberry jam and marshmallow fluff all over his two peices of toast, practically salivating at the sweet concoction, shovelling it down his throat.

"not having anything to eat Al?"

Charlie asks, in her chipper tone looking up to meet the eyes of alastor who glances at her

"Not for me dear! i don't typically eat breakfast in the mornings, i'd rather have a filling lunch"

Charlie just smiles back at him, returning to her toast while chatting with her girlfriend, vaggie.

the group charts about random nothings, eating their breakfast and overall having a good time, during all this. Alastor seems to be rather out of it, glancing around the room rapidly, and if you really focused like lucifer was, you could make out his shaking palms clasping around his mug.

"you alright Al? seem to be in another world there buddy"

alastor doesn't respond, still looking around the room quickly.




he jumps at this, ears pinning behind his head and looking at lucifer with. tight smile.

"what do you need? my shortness."

Venom spitting on the last word

"woah alright! don't chop my head off, was just asking if you were good cause you seemed out of it that's all."

"hm. Yes i'm fine thanks."

alastor goes back to sipping on his coffee, his ears going back to their normal position.

"just checking, you know i can change my height! stop calling me short."

"hmm no i don't think i will! anyway i best be off, i do have business to do after all!"

Al exclaims, stepping up from the table and tucking in his chair.

"Husker my good man! get me a bottle of your finest whiskey, you know what i like."

Husk grumbles, lifting his head off the table to reluctantly fulfil his boss' wishes, if he has to do what he's asked, you best believe he's gonna complain.


"thank you! best of luck today everybody!"

He sinks into the shadows, leaving everyone dumbfounded and confused.
Alastor Pov
arriving at my room, i sink into the corner, clutching my knees as if my life depended on it. These pills are messing with my mind i couldn't stay there any longer. Glancing at the bottle on his barely standing bedside table reading "schizophrenia relievers". I claw into the label of the bottle of whiskey i'm holding close to my chest as silhouettes of family members i used to know start talking to me, My mother, My father, some family friends all yelling at me at once, i close my eyes and take large gulps of my whiskey, hoping to drown out the voices as much as possible, to get this time over with as the effect kick in, i usually have a bad period before my pills kick in, always making sure i'm locked away in my room for them.
Softly crying into my knees as i down the bottle, leaving a trail of whiskey down my lips, i bet i reak of it tight now haha, as i let the effects of the alcohol and pills take over me

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